Here’s What Happened When a Company Got Rid of Email
Ever wondered what work would be like with less email — or none at all? Read this excerpt from David Burkus’ latest book to check out a real-life example.
Happiness At Work: Is It More Hackable Than You Think?
You deserve happiness at work! Is it something that just happens automatically — or something you can help engineer? See what the right strategies can do.
6 Practical Business Travel Tips From Our Most Frequent Fliers
Redbooth’s management team has logged many miles flying between our two offices and around the world. Discover their top business travel tips!
Your Roadmap to Managing Projects for Clients (Infographic)
Whether you’re managing projects for one client or 100, the basics stay the same. This infographic can help you stay on track and on deadline.
How an Australian Company Is Using Redbooth to Grow a Cricket Empire
Find out why a fast-growing Australia-based cricket enterprise uses Redbooth to keep track of everything — and communicate with their UK-based designer.
How to Get Organized at Work: Spring Cleaning Edition
Find out how to get organized at work with these tips and expert resources. From color-coding to tax prep to going paperless, we’ve got you covered here.
4 Audiobooks to Help You Be Happier at Work
Need a boost? We’ve rounded up 4 great audiobooks that can give you perspective, supply helpful insights, and most importantly, help you be happier at work.
3 Fun Ways to Get Inspired When You Need Fresh Ideas
Need a way to get inspired? How about 3? Find out how to get out of a creative slump — and learn to stockpile fresh ideas so that you stay inspired, too.
Increase Productivity Day by Day (Slideshare)
Discover 12 simple ways that you can increase productivity at work. Get outside for some air, hold a mini awards ceremony…and that’s just the beginning!
Remote Work: Stories of People and Teams Doing Great Things
Can you imagine blending work and global travel seamlessly — or being part of a team you’ve never spoken to? Check out these real-life remote work stories.