Is Online Collaboration Vital for My Business?

Is online collaboration vital for your business? I mean, is your business going to crash and burn if you don’t use some kind of platform? Probably not. However, you should ask a different question. Will online collaboration add value to your business? That is a better question.

According to a study done by the University of North Carolina, implementing virtual teams can increase productivity by up to 43%. In addition to improving productivity, online collaboration creates new opportunities, increases revenue, and decreases overhead.

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Our Guide to Managing Virtual Teams

The “How You Do It Manual”, otherwise known as the business operations manual, is that lovely guide that often gets shoved in the drawer. Over the years, this manual was supposed to be used by company managers to help employees navigate change and/or understand how their company works. However, these lovely documents end up collecting dust in most companies. In addition, you rarely find operational guides for managing virtual teams that work.

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