Learn the Google Employee Strategy to Planning your Week


We all want more of it. But do we really need it? In theory, sure but the better question is “Are you maximizing the time you have?”

One effective time management method comes via Google’s “Make Time” approach. Basically, it’s an ideal efficient weekly workflow. All you have to do is put in the focus, effort, and lastly, the system. That means no distracting yourself or allowing the ebb and flow of the workday derail you – unless it really matters.

Let’s dive into Make Time and address how you can overcome some hurdles.

Monday: Strategy and Low-Hanging Fruit

An ideal Monday is all about getting your ducks in a row. Unfortunately, things happen. It’s your job to analyze which problems are worth cutting into organization time and which are potentially smoke and no fire. Let’s throw out some hypothetical scenarios:

  • An article needs last minute edits to a project launching tomorrow? Divert some time to make those edits.
  • Your colleague wants to discuss a new landing page strategy to attract sign ups? Great! Let’s put a pin in it until later in the week.
  • This week you’re planning for your team is planning for the big eBook project, strategize how planning throughout the week can aide the execution of the project.

Treat your Monday as a balance between the basic and the week ahead. Knock off as many tasks you can while setting yourself up for success. Establish your foundation for the days to come with reasonable goals the week’s end.

Tuesday/Wednesday: The Uphill Portion of the Week

Tuesday and Wednesday are the heavy lifting for the week. It’s the leg day of your workouts. Time to bust out your biggest sets of metaphorical squats.

Unfortunately, sometimes the week pushes you around. ASAP requests come in every day of the week. Colleagues and partners sometimes won’t hit deadlines, causing your schedule to get caught up in a mess.

When these issues arise, especially outside of the ideal days, you have to communicate. Talk with your team. Get on the same page. Establish timelines and determine deadlines. Some weeks will all be Tuesdays and Wednesdays. It happens. Communication can help minimize those and keep the heavy work relatively consolidated to these two days.

Thursday: Post-Grind Efficiency

After two days of going 100 MPH, it’s no surprise energy can dip a bit. That’s why meetings are excellent for Thursdays.

Unfortunately, many companies love meetings. Like love meetings. Heck, they’d put a ring on meetings’ finger if it had fingers! The problem is that this is unpredictable as it pertains to your workload and can throw you off your personal schedule. This is true in office environments where communication and ideas flow constantly. Some even consider meetings productivity killers.

But let’s not bash meetings altogether. Instead, stay true to the good intentions of a team meeting. Consolidate these to Thursdays as best you can. Remember when we mentioned that landing page idea on Monday? Today is the day to dig into it and pitch it at the team meeting.

Remember, always be open to talk. However, Thursday is your ‘make time’ day.

Friday: Low Energy, High Rewards

Make sure your last few hours are a quality finish to the work week. Dig into research, planning and overall big picture tasks. Build rapport with some emails and calls. Think over content strategy for the upcoming winter quarter or reflect on the previous

One of the biggest hurdles on Friday will be yourself. You’re the ultimate Make Time adversary. It’s on you to push through the week and chip away at that block. Remember, if you don’t chisel today, then you’re delaying your next masterpiece.

If it takes coffee, drink a strong cup or two. Don’t eat a big lunch that’ll drag you down. And most importantly, dive into work right away before the afternoon doldrums kick in. That’s true for every day in this approach. But with the weekend only a few hours away, this is especially crucial come Friday.

So, to keep your eyes on the tasks at hand. Only allow for needed distractions to disrupt your flow, and position yourself as best you can. Remember, it’s all about working smart.