#1 Online Kanban Tool for Marketers

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Kanban View for Workflow Processes

Using a Kanban view to plan your project can be the best way to piece together the various tasks that make up a large project. Its visual nature means that you and your team can see tasks in progress, tasks completed, and tasks that need to be started. Whether you use the agile or waterfall workflow, a kanban view is the perfect base for planning a successful project. Read on and find out how to best adapt it to your workflow!

How to Create an Agile Kanban Workflow

What Redbooth’s Marketing and Development Teams Use

In a workspace, create 5 different task lists: Backlog, To Do, In Progress, Done, and Review



Place any task you are not working on in the Backlog Task List.


To Do

These are the tasks you want the team to work on in the immediate future. Move chosen tasks from “Backlog” to the “To Do” task list.


In Progress

When a colleague starts a task, move it into the In Progress Board. All tasks that are in this task list have a due date and an assignee who documents the progress in the task comments.



As soon as a task is completed, they are moved to the Done task list. This way, everyone can see which tasks are done and which are still in progress when viewing the workspace.


Review/ Retrospective

Once the sprint is finished, a retrospective review is done and all tasks in the Done task list are resolved. Any improvements that can be implemented to future sprints are left in the Retrospective task list.

Waterfall Workflow with Kanban

Waterfall Workflow with Kanban

The waterfall workflow is a sequential process consisting of different stages which are completed in order. All stages are dependent on the completion of the former. This workflow requires precise planning. Any unforeseen challenges will interrupt the entire project — in very simple terms, you can’t paint the house without first building it.

Follow this example to get it working best for you and your team: In the workspace, create one task list with the following tasks (examples): Planning, Research, Writing, Reviewing, and Publication. Set their start and due dates so that they begin in sequence.

Timeline is tailor-made for the waterfall workflow. Its visual nature and dependency feature allow your team to see the duration and progress of the whole project. If one task is set to be overdue, you can change its due date and consequently the start date of any dependent tasks.

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What People are Saying about Redbooth

Redbooth keeps our entire team organized, in alignment, and always on schedule.

Jenna Winerman

Head of Marketing, Updater

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Best User Interface of any project management Software I've used.

Chris Bender

Creative Director, Fifty Studio

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The time-saving we achieve is the real win: our account execs each save 30 hours per month in admin work.

Tim Pickard

Vice President, Malone Media

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