7 Techniques for Better Task Management for Teams (Infographic)

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7 Techniques for Better Task Management for Teams (Infographic)

1. See how your tasks are part of the big picture

  • The missing ingredient in tracking your tasks: context.
  • No knowledge worker is an island. Become more effective by looking at your work alongside your colleagues' work.

2. Make commitments that get witnessed

1. See how your tasks are part of the big picture

  • The missing ingredient in tracking your tasks: context.
  • No knowledge worker is an island. Become more effective by looking at your work alongside your colleagues' work.

2. Make commitments that get witnessed

  • Lack of visibility leads to micromanaging. Without insight into a team's work, managers check in constantly.
  • Demonstrating your progress gets you more autonomy.

3. Ask for help when you need it

  • Meeting big-picture team deadlines is the top priority.
  • Sometimes team members need to pitch in to make that happen.

4. Capture tasks wherever they come up

  • Don't just let tasks slip away! Jot them down, dictate them into your phone — wherever they'll be safe.
  • Make sure you remember to revisit those notes.

5. Review records to plan for the future

  • Our memories aren't perfect, to say the least.
  • Your team needs to review how tasks were completed on past projects to gain valuable insights.

6. Close the loop

  • Checking off a list in a notebook works great...when it's just you. Add in team members and it gets more complex. When is something "done"?
  • Divide up tasks in shared workspaces that allow for complexity.

7. Take the time to do some spring cleaning

  • Do it any time of year. Just be sure to do it at some point.
  • Clear out the old to-do items...and revisit your new priorities!.

Tracking, planning, and managing tasks is a big job for a team. Fortunately, the right processes can drive incredible progress.

Brought to you by Redbooth: Intuitive task and project management software for teams.