4 Easy Steps for Onboarding Colleagues to Redbooth

Your Quick Start Guide to a Collaborative Culture

Phase 1: Build Your Online Organization.

Before you bring the first person on-board, you should build the structure of your organization. This involves transferring all existing Projects on to Redbooth, uploading important Files, adding vital information to Notes, and breaking down Projects in progress into actionable Tasks.

Organize your Redbooth organization in a way that makes sense for your company. The flexibility of Redbooth allows you to use it in many different ways. For example, some people use the Notes section to organize meeting minutes, while others use it as manual for systemizing operations.

You can create a project for each client that you have. You can create an internal project for your team, and you can also create an external project where you’d invite your clients or vendors to participate. Improve the areas where productivity can be increased by reducing bottlenecks, consolidating information, and optimizing workflow.

Phase 2: Invite Your Colleagues to Begin Collaborating.

If you took your time in the first step, your tech-savvy colleagues will be able to easily adapt to using Redbooth. For those that have questions, encourage them to use the Conversations tab. It would also be a good idea to start a Conversation about adjusting Notifications to each employee’s desired preference.

As questions and problems occur, create a Project or Note to provide an explanation or solution. If you do not have a quick answer, you can always consult the Redbooth Knowledgebase, and post a link to the solution. This will create a permanent reference point for the rest of your organization if they have the same question in the future.

There will inevitably be a few bumps and resistance in the beginning, but it will get much easier. Understand that there is a learning curve. The important thing is to commit to your decision to improve your company’s productivity.

Phase 3: Lead by Example.

Even virtual actions speak louder than words. Do not succumb to old habits like emailing project-related files or dropping tasks on people’s desks. You must use Redbooth exactly how you want it to be used at all times. This is the most important way to ensure success. It takes some time to get everyone on the same page. Do not get frustrated! The Road to a Collaborative Culture has many twists and turns but the rewards make it all worth it.

You will be tempted to print important files, and directly hand them to the people that are having trouble adapting. This will tell them that this collaboration platform is a passing trend, and their resistance to the change will increase. Instead, send them the important file in a Conversation. Follow every question up with, “Did you check Redbooth?” This is the best way to create new habits even amongst the most stubborn.

Phase 4: Encourage Colleagues to Engage.

Initially, some people will view Redbooth only as a way of receiving tasks and information. Encourage them to assign tasks, create notes, or share ideas. Once you get people to start engaging with one another, the rest is easy. They will begin to see the benefits, and the old way of doing things will feel clunky and outdated. If you need ideas on initiating this engagement, check out this article: “Tips and Ideas for Virtual Team Building Activities.” Also check out our Group Chat feature, which is currently in Beta. I predict this tool will quickly become one of the best ways for your colleagues to interact with one another.

Each feature of Redbooth is designed to create a collaborative environment. A collaborative environment improves productivity and innovation. Thus according to the classic Transitive Property (If A = B and B = C, then A = C), Redbooth is designed to increase productivity and innovation.

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Get your team on an online collaboration platform today and achieve new heights in productivity. Sign up for a free trial of Redbooth. No credit card needed.