How to Launch a Brand in One Week

You have a proven business concept, now you need a brand.

As Jules Taggart stated, “You have competitors who deliver the exact same services as you. It’s not really about what you do anymore, it’s about the way you do it.”

While figuring out what and who your company will stand for may seem like a monumental task, it is possible to quickly achieve a concrete vision.

By following the steps below, with dedication and focus, you can launch a brand in one week. So, clear your head and your calendar, and get ready to get to work!

Day one: Defining services and mission

When starting a business, you should at the very least know exactly what you will be selling.

Know your product inside and out, and be able to describe it to a complete stranger in one sentence. If you aren’t sure what that is, you need to delve deeper. Ask yourself what makes you different than your competition and what sets you apart from the crowd. What do you have to offer your consumers that no one else in your industry can?

If you’re selling something that people can already easily buy from Walmart or their local convenience store, you need to rethink the foundation of your business. Find a way to deliver your product or service in a unique way that will make you stand out from the crowd.

If you don’t know what you’re selling, it’s unlikely anyone else will. It’s even less likely that they’ll come to you for what they need. So simply and clearly define your services and your mission statement. Write it down. And then use your brand to tell a story.

Day two: Brand positioning

Position yourself in an unforgettable way in your potential consumers’ minds. What are your competitors doing? How can you stand out? What is your unique selling proposition?

Unless you have something to offer that sets you apart and makes you truly stand out, it will be difficult to build a successful brand.

This is where knowing your ideal customer is really helpful — you can’t be everything to everyone — you have to be the perfect solution for a very targeted demographic.

Which brings us to step three.

Day Three: Uncovering your ideal customer

In order to properly build your brand, you need to know not only what you’re about, you need to know who your ideal customer is as well. Who are these people, and what do they need that you can provide?

Sit down for a long session of free-association and get ready to list every single aspect of your potential consumers, and follow it up with research and customer interviews.

Answer the following questions:

Explore these questions and any others that may occur to you in order to get to know your potential audience before launching. Always keep your consumers and their attributes in mind — you have to be crystal clear about your ideal customer in order to successfully launch a brand in one week.

Day four: Brand storytelling

One of the most important brand-building elements is storytelling.

When people visit a site or blog for the first time, one of the first things that most they do is visit the “about me” page. Humans want to connect with other humans, not companies. Let your audience get to know you and your company’s mission by weaving an unforgettable story.

As Dan Wang, Shopify Content Specialist says, “Studies have found that people who visit an about page are not only more likely to buy your products, they’re also more likely to place larger orders.

So, tell a story. It’s fun and good for sales.” Constructing a compelling “about me” page is essential for connecting to your customers and also for deepening your pockets.

Day five: Planning for consistency

People love brands they can depend on.

Professional designer, Megan Bailey, recommends, “Right from the start — every single piece of material from a logo to photography to social media posts need to be consistent and professionally organized. The ultimate goal is to have people gravitate and recognize your work instantly.”

Walk the walk and talk the talk, making your product a lifestyle.

Keeping messages, products, and services consistent automatically boosts credibility, the most solid foundation of all.

Day six: Create a content marketing plan

Now that you have the majority of your branding laid out, it’s time to create a content marketing strategy.

Will you send out regular emails or post on your Facebook business page daily? Be sure that the medium you choose is appropriate to your demographic. The last thing you want is to waste your time Tweeting when none of your consumers are on Twitter.

Day seven: You’re ready to launch a brand…and network!

“Everyone you will ever meet knows something you don’t.” — Bill Nye Click To Tweet

Now that you’re ready to launch a brand, start networking as much as possible!

Reach out to people not only in person at conferences and events, but also online. Connect with others in your industry, using tools such as LinkedIn or Facebook groups, to create allies and even friendships.

Make people care about your brand by giving them a reason to care about you. Seek relationships with people who inspire you and can occasionally guide you. Help each other out. In time, you will see your brand grow stronger as your networking efforts turn into a community you have created.

Lastly, get yourself ready for the incredible experience of having your own brand will bring. Take a day to rest, and prepare to delve into your passion more than ever before!

Have you created a personal or company brand? Share your best advice in the comments below!