QBR (Quarterly Business Review)

Team Productivity

From quarter to quarter, employees — and even management — can have a tough time even remembering what the last meeting was about. When you meet at the end of a quarter to look back and to look ahead, it’s incredibly valuable to capture those insights as well as your notes, slide decks, and quarterly reports. This quarterly business review makes that process nearly effortless.

Once you start using it on a regular basis, you’ll be able to have visibility into what you talked about not only last quarter, but two quarters ago or a year ago. When you gather your entire team together, you’re going to want to be able to consolidate and centralize this ambitious, wide-reaching meeting.  Now you have the scaffolding to do that in just a few clicks.
From quarter to quarter, employees — and even management — can have a tough time even remembering what the last meeting was about. When you meet at the end of a quarter to look back and to look ahead, it’s incredibly valuable to capture those insights as well as your notes, slide decks, and quarterly reports. This quarterly business review makes that process nearly effortless. Once you start using it on a regular basis, you’ll be able to have visibility into what you talked about not only last quarter, but two quarters ago or a year ago. When you gather your entire team together, you’re going to want to be able to consolidate and centralize this ambitious, wide-reaching meeting. Now you have the scaffolding to do that in just a few clicks.

QBR (Quarterly Business Review)

Preperation for Your QBR

  • Compile list of attendees
  • Establish key objectives for the meeting

Completed, Outstanding & New Items

  • Items completed from last QBR
  • Outstanding items
  • New items

Metrics Review

  • Sales metrics
  • Marketing metrics
  • Financial metrics

Overall Health

  • Financial health
  • User health

Customer Success

  • Support tickets
  • Customer onboarding

Product Roadmap

90-Day Team Plan