Welcome to Redbooth’s API Documentation. In this section you will learn how to interact with Redbooth’s application programming interface and how start building your own apps on top of an amazing collaboration platform. We use our own API to serve our web and mobile products and so do the existing integrations with other popular technology solutions. As you go through the Basic concepts and the documentation of the different endpoints, you may want to test how our API works and what can you get from it. We recommend you to go ahead and start playing with the Interactive Console to better understand what can be accomplished with each endpoint. Enjoy Redbooth’s API

Basic concepts

Our API has been built with high standards and the aim to offer an efficient and pleasant user experience. That is why in most endpoints you will be able to use the same parameters with your different GETs, POSTs, PUTs and DELETEs. The specific characteristics are detailed in each endpoint.


Apps connect to Redbooth using OAuth 2, the standard used by most APIs for authenticating and authorizing users. The following walkthrough will show you how to authenticate a user to use the Redbooth API with OAuth 2. Learn more on our authentication page.


Notice that the verbs POST and PUT expect parameters as a JSON string, whereas the rest of verbs work with standard query strings. You will find examples in each endpoint and verb, click on the “view more info” links to see them!

Sorting the results

The results of a GET are ordered by ascending id by default. Nevertheless, you will be able to order them as you want using the parameter order.

You can always choose in which order do you want to get your results. You can sort them in ascending or descending order by the following elements:

  • id → order=id-ASC or order=id-DESC

  • created_at → order=created_at-ASC or order=created_at-DESC

  • updated_at → order=updated_at-ASC or order=updated_at-DESC

  • position → order=position-ASC or order=position-DESC

Example → Let’s ask for our conversations ordered by created_at using curl:

curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer Oauth_Access_token' -d 'order=created_at-ASC' -v https://redbooth.com/api/3/conversations

This request will give us a JSON with all the conversations to which we have access, conversations sorted by creation date.


By default, all list endpoints will return the first 1,000 results. More results can be retrieved by paginating using the fields: page and per_page.

  • page → you choose the page that you want to get.

  • per_page → you choose how many results per page do you want to get, with a maximum of 1000.

  • page&per_page → having chosen an “x” number of results per_page, you want to see the “y” page.

Example → Let’s ask for the second page of our conversations distributed in 5-result pages using curl:

curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer Oauth_Access_token' -d 'order=id&page=2&per_page=5' -v https://redbooth.com/api/3/conversations

This request will give us a JSON with the 5 conversations hosted in the second 5-result page of a series of pages.


There are location filters that enable you to GET something from somewhere or to PUT it, POST it or DELETE it from somewhere you define. This filters are different for each endpoint but work in a standard way and can be the same in similar endpoints. In some cases, this parameters will be mandatory, since we can’t post, for example, a subtask anywhere in an account, we need to relate it to a task. On the other hand, we won’t find parameters as task_id in the endpoint conversations since there is no relation between them, it is just logic!

Let’s see a GET and a POST example with the conversations endpoint. This are the most used parameters in this endpoint:

  • organization_id → The id of the organization to which the element belongs or will belong after posting it.

  • project_id → The project’s id to which the element belongs or will belong after posting it.

  • user_id → The user’s id to which the element belongs or will belong after posting it.

Example with POST:

curl -X POST -H 'Content-type: application/json' -H 'Authorization: Bearer Oauth_Access_token' -d '{"name":"Example title","project_id":"x","type":"Conversation"}' -v https://redbooth.com/api/3/conversations

Example with GET:

curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer Oauth_Access_token' -d 'order=id&organization_id=x' -v https://redbooth.com/api/3/conversations

Error codes & Responses

  • 200 OK - Successful request.

  • 202 Created - Successfully created element.

  • 400 BadRequest - Invalid format.

  • 422 UnprocessableEntity - The request is understood but can’t be processed because of a conflict or similar.

  • 404 NotFound - No elements found with the given information.

  • 401 Unauthorized - Your credentials don’t allow you to access this information or have expired.

  • 304 NotModified - The information hosted in your cache is updated, nothing has changed since your last call.

  • 403 AccessDenied - The request is understood but has been refused. It usually means that you are not allowed to perform this action due to insufficient authorization.

  • 500 Internal Server Error

Web hooks

Web hooks send you update messages when an element of your organization is created, updated or deleted. Read more about Redbooth’s web hooks here.



This endpoint only offers an index. It enables us to get a list of activities filtered by different parameters

Activity List 

Get Activities

Returns a JSON list of activities to which the user has access.

  • Parameters
  • order
    string (optional) Default: id-DESC Example: created_at-ASC

    You can always choose in which order do you want to get your results. You can sort them in ascending or descending order by the following elements: id, created_at, updated_at and position.

    integer (optional) Default: 1000 Example: 15

    You choose how many results per page do you want to get, with a maximum of 1000.

    integer (optional) Default: 1 Example: 3

    You choose the page that you want to get.

    integer (optional) Example: 1283

    The id of the organization to which the element belongs.

    integer (optional) Example: 121

    The project’s id to which the element belongs.

    string (optional) Example: Task

    Activities can be related to a Task, a Conversation, a Person, a Comment an Upload, a Page, a TaskList or a Project. Parameter is case-sensitive.

    integer (optional) Example: 1635282341

    This parameter must be a date in unix timestamp and enables us to filter the activities per date, getting the activities created from a date range between ‘created from’ and ‘created to’.

    integer (optional) Example: 1635285395

    This parameter must be a date in unix timestamp and enables us to filter the activities per date, getting the activities created before a certain date and after the ‘created from’ date.

  • Response  200View more info
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
    X-Request-Id: 8p2937b61207s744r03c7565252b50bz
    X-Runtime: 0.222809
  • Response  401View more info
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
      "error": {
        "message": "Unauthorized"
Next  Previous


Redbooth’s comments are small pieces of content that form part of tasks and conversations. They can include attachments and enriched text.

Comment List 

Get Comments

Returns a JSON list of comments to which the user has access.

  • Parameters
  • order
    string (optional) Default: id-DESC Example: created_at-ASC

    You can always choose in which order do you want to get your results. You can sort them in ascending or descending order by the following elements: id, created_at, updated_at and position.

    integer (optional) Default: 1000 Example: 15

    You choose how many results per page do you want to get, with a maximum of 1000.

    integer (optional) Default: 1 Example: 3

    You choose the page that you want to get.

    integer (optional) Example: 1283

    The id of the organization to which the element belongs.

    integer (optional) Example: 121

    The project’s id to which the element belongs.

    string (required) Example: Task

    Comments can be part of a conversation or part of a task. Parameter is case-sensitive.

    integer (required) Example: 121

    Id of the element to which they belong. If they are part of a tas, the task’s id.

    integer (optional) Example: 1635282341

    This parameter must be a date in unix timestamp and enables us to filter the comments per date, getting the comments created from a date range between ‘created from’ and ‘created to’.

    integer (optional) Example: 1635285395

    This parameter must be a date in unix timestamp and enables us to filter the comments per date, getting the comments created before a certain date and after the ‘created from’ date.

  • Response  200View more info
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
    X-Request-Id: 8p2937b61207s744r03c7565252b50bz
    X-Runtime: 0.222809
        "type": "Comment",
        "created_at": 1403778346,
        "updated_at": 1403778347,
        "id": 39637070,
        "body": "I also found this document very interesting.",
        "body_html": "<p>I also found this document very interesting.</p>",
        "user_id": 688561,
        "project_id": 902783,
        "target_id": 13019770,
        "target_type": "Task",
        "minutes": null,
        "upload_ids": [
        "assigned_id": null,
        "previous_assigned_id": null,
        "due_on": null,
        "previous_due_on": null,
        "is_private": false,
        "previous_is_private": null,
        "urgent": false,
        "previous_urgent": false,
        "email_id": null,
        "time_tracking_on": "2014-06-26",
        "status": "new",
        "previous_status": "new"
        "type": "Comment",
        "created_at": 1403778147,
        "updated_at": 1403778147,
        "id": 39636832,
        "body": "This may help!",
        "body_html": "<p>This may help!</p>",
        "user_id": 688561,
        "project_id": 902783,
        "target_id": 13019770,
        "target_type": "Task",
        "minutes": null,
        "upload_ids": [
        "assigned_id": null,
        "previous_assigned_id": null,
        "due_on": null,
        "previous_due_on": null,
        "is_private": false,
        "previous_is_private": null,
        "urgent": false,
        "previous_urgent": false,
        "email_id": null,
        "time_tracking_on": "2014-06-26",
        "status": "new",
        "previous_status": "new"
  • Response  401View more info
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
      "error": {
        "message": "Unauthorized"
Create New Comment

Posts a new comment with a new id in the location (task_id or conversation_id) that you specify.

  • Parameters
  • target_type
    string (required) Example: Task

    Comments can be part of a conversation or part of a task. Parameter is case-sensitive.

    integer (required) Example: 121

    Id of the element to which the comment will belong. If it is going to be part of a task, the task’s id.

    string (optional) Example: Example body

    Body of the comment.

    integer (optional) Example: 60

    This parameter is used to add time spent to a task.

    date (optional) Example: 2014-06-26

    Enables us to add time spent in a different date than the current date, that would be the default value.

  • RequestView more info
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json
      "target_id": "13019770",
      "target_type": "task",
      "body": "Presentation draft",
      "minutes": "30"
  • Response  201View more info
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
    X-Request-Id: 8p2937b61207s744r03c7565252b50bz
    X-Runtime: 0.222809
      "type": "Comment",
      "created_at": 1404125775,
      "updated_at": 1404125775,
      "id": 39864568,
      "body": "Presentation draft.",
      "body_html": "<p>Presentation draft.</p>",
      "user_id": 688561,
      "project_id": 902783,
      "target_id": 13019770,
      "target_type": "Task",
      "minutes": 30,
      "upload_ids": [],
      "assigned_id": null,
      "previous_assigned_id": null,
      "due_on": null,
      "previous_due_on": null,
      "is_private": false,
      "previous_is_private": null,
      "urgent": false,
      "previous_urgent": false,
      "email_id": null,
      "time_tracking_on": "2014-06-30",
      "status": "new",
      "previous_status": "new"
  • Response  422View more info
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json
      "error": "Unprocessable Entity"


Get Comment

In this case, we’re selecting a very specific element, so there is no need to use parameters other than “id”.

  • Parameters
  • id
    integer (required) Example: 1234

    Id of the comment that we are looking for. It is MANDATORY and it has to be in the url.

  • Response  200View more info
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
    X-Request-Id: 8p2937b61207s744r03c7565252b50bz
    X-Runtime: 0.222809
      "type": "Comment",
      "created_at": 1403778147,
      "updated_at": 1403778147,
      "id": 39636832,
      "body": "This may help!",
      "body_html": "<p>This may help!</p>",
      "user_id": 688561,
      "project_id": 902783,
      "target_id": 13019770,
      "target_type": "Task",
      "minutes": null,
      "upload_ids": [
      "assigned_id": null,
      "previous_assigned_id": null,
      "due_on": null,
      "previous_due_on": null,
      "is_private": false,
      "previous_is_private": null,
      "urgent": false,
      "previous_urgent": false,
      "email_id": null,
      "time_tracking_on": "2014-06-26",
      "status": "new",
      "previous_status": "new"
  • Response  401View more info
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
      "error": {
        "message": "Unauthorized"
Update a single Comment

Modifies an existing comment, id is mandatory.

  • Parameters
  • id
    integer (required) Example: 121879

    Id of the comment that we are looking for. It is mandatory and it has to be in the url.

    string (optional) Example: Task

    Comments can be part of a conversation or part of a task. Parameter is case-sensitive.

    integer (optional) Example: 121

    Id of the element to which the comment will belong. If it is going to be part of a task, the task’s id.

    string (optional) Example: Example body

    Body of the comment.

    integer (optional) Example: 60

    This parameter is used to add time spent to a task.

    date (optional) Example: 2014-06-26

    Enables us to add time spent in a different date than the current date, that would be the default value.

  • RequestView more info
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json
      "minutes": "45"
  • Response  200View more info
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
    X-Request-Id: 8p2937b61207s744r03c7565252b50bz
    X-Runtime: 0.222809
      "type": "Comment",
      "created_at": 1404125775,
      "updated_at": 1404125795,
      "id": 39864568,
      "body": "Presentation draft.",
      "body_html": "<p>Presentation draft.</p>",
      "user_id": 688561,
      "project_id": 902783,
      "target_id": 13019770,
      "target_type": "Task",
      "minutes": 45,
      "upload_ids": [],
      "assigned_id": null,
      "previous_assigned_id": null,
      "due_on": null,
      "previous_due_on": null,
      "is_private": false,
      "previous_is_private": null,
      "urgent": false,
      "previous_urgent": false,
      "email_id": null,
      "time_tracking_on": "2014-06-30",
      "status": "new",
      "previous_status": "new"
  • Response  404View more info
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json
      "error": {
        "message": "Not Found",
        "description": "No comment found with the given id"
Delete a Comment

This endpoint deletes a comment and can be used just once.

  • Parameters
  • id
    integer (required) Example: 1234

    Id of the comment that we are looking for. It is MANDATORY and it has to be in the url.

  • Response  204
  • Response  404View more info
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
    X-Request-Id: 8p2937b61207s744r03c7565252b50bz
    X-Runtime: 0.222809
      "error": "Comment not found"
Next  Previous


Redbooth’s conversations are interactive spaces where users can discuss about any subject or topic. Each conversation belongs to a project and once it is created, user’s comments are added to it in custom blocks that may include attached files. Conversations can be public or private.

Conversation List 

Get Conversations

Returns a JSON list of conversations to which the user has access.

  • Parameters
  • order
    string (optional) Default: id-DESC Example: created_at-ASC

    You can always choose in which order do you want to get your results. You can sort them in ascending or descending order by the following elements: id, created_at, updated_at and position.

    integer (optional) Default: 1000 Example: 15

    You choose how many results per page do you want to get, with a maximum of 1000.

    integer (optional) Default: 1 Example: 3

    You choose the page that you want to get.

    integer (optional) Example: 1283

    The id of the organization to which the element belongs.

    integer (optional) Example: 121

    Id of the project to which the element belongs.

  • Response  200View more info
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
    X-Request-Id: 8p2937b61207s744r03c7565252b50bz
    X-Runtime: 0.222809
        "type": "Conversation",
        "created_at": 1402940016,
        "updated_at": 1402940018,
        "id": 1014040,
        "name": "Conversation 2",
        "project_id": 902783,
        "user_id": 688561,
        "comments_count": 1,
        "is_private": false,
        "last_activity_id": 56202516
        "type": "Conversation",
        "created_at": 1400750904,
        "updated_at": 1402940024,
        "id": 991093,
        "name": "Conversation 1",
        "project_id": 902783,
        "user_id": 688561,
        "comments_count": 5,
        "is_private": false,
        "last_activity_id": 53787980
  • Response  401View more info
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
      "error": {
        "message": "Unauthorized"
Create New Conversation

Posts a new conversation with a new id in the location (project_id) that you specify.

  • Parameters
  • project_id
    integer (required) Example: 121

    Id of the project to which the element will belong after posting it.

    string (required) Example: Example name

    The name that the conversation will have.

    string (optional) Example: Example body

    The body of the conversation.

    string (optional) Default: false Example: false

    This parameter is used to manage rights & permissions. It can be =true or =false. It will be =false by default, so the conversation will be public if there is no specification.

  • RequestView more info
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json
      "name": "Example title",
      "body": "Example body",
      "project_id": "902783",
      "is_private": "false"
  • Response  201View more info
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
    X-Request-Id: 8p2937b61207s744r03c7565252b50bz
    X-Runtime: 0.222809
        "type": "Conversation",
        "created_at": 1403118272,
        "updated_at": 1403118273,
        "id": 1016324,
        "name": "Example title",
        "project_id": 902783,
        "user_id": 688561,
        "comments_count": 1,
        "is_private": false,
        "last_activity_id": null
  • Response  422View more info
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json
      "error": "Unprocessable Entity"


Get Conversation

In this case, we’re selecting a very specific element, so there is no need to use parameters other than “id”.

  • Parameters
  • id
    integer (required) Example: 1234

    Id of the conversation that we are looking for. It is MANDATORY and it has to be in the url.

  • Response  200View more info
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
    X-Request-Id: 8p2937b61207s744r03c7565252b50bz
    X-Runtime: 0.222809
        "type": "Conversation",
        "created_at": 1402940016,
        "updated_at": 1402940018,
        "id": 1014040,
        "name": "Conversation 2",
        "project_id": 902783,
        "user_id": 688561,
        "comments_count": 1,
        "is_private": false,
        "last_activity_id": 56202516
  • Response  401View more info
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
      "error": {
        "message": "Unauthorized"
Update a single Conversation

Modifies an existing conversation, id is mandatory.

  • Parameters
  • id
    integer (required) Example: 121879

    Id of the conversation that we are looking for. It is MANDATORY and it has to be in the url.

    integer (optional) Example: 121

    Id of the project to which the element will belong after modifying it.

    string (optional) Example: Example title modified

    The name that the conversation will have.

    string (optional) Example: Example body modified

    The body of the conversation.

    string (optional) Default: fasle Example: false

    This parameter is used to manage rights & permissions. It can be =true or =false. It will be =false by default, so the conversation will be public if there is no specification.

  • RequestView more info
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json
      "name": "Example title modified",
      "body": "Example body modified",
      "project_id": "902789",
      "is_private": "false"
  • Response  200View more info
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
    X-Request-Id: 8p2937b61207s744r03c7565252b50bz
    X-Runtime: 0.222809
        "type": "Conversation",
        "created_at": 1403118272,
        "updated_at": 1403118273,
        "id": 1016324,
        "name": "Example title",
        "project_id": 902783,
        "user_id": 688561,
        "comments_count": 1,
        "is_private": false,
        "last_activity_id": null
  • Response  404View more info
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json
      "error": {
        "message": "Not Found",
        "description": "No conversation found with the given id"
Delete a Conversation

This endpoint deletes a conversation and can be used just once.

  • Parameters
  • id
    integer (required) Example: 1234

    Id of the conversation that we are looking for. It is MANDATORY and it has to be in the url.

  • Response  204
  • Response  404View more info
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
    X-Request-Id: 8p2937b61207s744r03c7565252b50bz
    X-Runtime: 0.222809
      "error": "Conversation not found"
Next  Previous


This endpoint enables you to post, modify, get or delete files and folders form your account. The examples posted in the following verbs only affect to folders and repositories. Here’s an example of the curl request that should be sent in order to create a real file:

curl ’https://redbooth.com/api/3/files
-H ‘Authorization: Bearer Oauth_Access_token’
-F ‘asset=@examples/test.txt’
-F ‘project_id=12345’
-F ‘is_dir=false’
-F ‘name=test.txt’
–compressed -v

*Where -F ‘asset=@examples/test.txt’\ is the path to the local file

File List 

Get Files

Returns a JSON list of files and folders to which the user has access. This index can be filtered and ordered with the listed parameters.

  • Parameters
  • order
    string (optional) Default: id_DESC Example: created_at_ASC

    You can always choose in which order do you want to get your results. You can sort them in ascending or descending order by the following elements: id, created_at, updated_at and position.

    integer (optional) Default: 1000 Example: 15

    You choose how many results per page do you want to get, with a maximum of 1000.

    integer (optional) Default: 1 Example: 3

    You choose the page that you want to get.

    integer (optional) Example: 1295

    Id of the organization to which the element belongs.

    integer (optional) Example: 18921

    Id of the project to which the file belongs.

    integer (optional) Example: 18921

    Id of the element to which the file belongs.

    boolean_param (optional) Example: true

    Files can be pinned or not, check your pins in the files section of each project!

    string (optional) Example: Task

    Type of the host element: task or conversation. Parameter is case-sensitive.

    string (optional) Example: file
  • Response  200View more info
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
    X-Request-Id: 8p2937b61207s744r03c7565252b50bz
    X-Runtime: 0.205826
        "created_at": 1403778342,
        "updated_at": 1403778347,
        "id": 3698074,
        "name": "20130704094446.pdf",
        "backend": "redbooth",
        "project_id": 902783,
        "parent_id": null,
        "backend_id": "3757011",
        "is_dir": false,
        "is_downloadable": true,
        "is_previewable": true,
        "is_private": false,
        "mime_type": "application/pdf",
        "public_token": null,
        "pinned": false,
        "size": 155049,
        "user_id": 688561,
        "type": "file"
        "created_at": 1403778133,
        "updated_at": 1403778147,
        "id": 3698064,
        "name": "blog examples.pdf",
        "backend": "redbooth",
        "project_id": 902783,
        "parent_id": null,
        "backend_id": "3757001",
        "is_dir": false,
        "is_downloadable": true,
        "is_previewable": true,
        "is_private": false,
        "mime_type": "application/pdf",
        "public_token": null,
        "pinned": false,
        "size": 20597,
        "user_id": 688561,
        "type": "file"
        "created_at": 1403542303,
        "updated_at": 1403542311,
        "id": 3672677,
        "name": "Screen Shot 2014-06-23 at 1.27.54 PM.png",
        "backend": "redbooth",
        "project_id": 902783,
        "parent_id": null,
        "backend_id": "3732670",
        "is_dir": false,
        "is_downloadable": true,
        "is_previewable": true,
        "is_private": false,
        "mime_type": "image/png",
        "public_token": null,
        "pinned": false,
        "size": 179300,
        "user_id": 688561,
        "type": "file"
  • Response  401View more info
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
      "error": {
        "message": "Unauthorized"
Create New File

Posts a new repository or folder with a new id in the location (project_id, target_id,parent_id) that you specify. When posting an element, we will be able to determine some of his characteristics via parameters and some parameters will be mandatory.

  • Parameters
  • project_id
    integer (required) Example: 18921

    Id of the project to which the file will belong.

    integer (optional) Example: 18921

    Id of the element to which the file will belong.

    integer (optional) Example: 18921

    Id of the folder to which the file will belong after being created, it can be null.

    boolean_param (optional) Default: false Example: true

    Files can be pinned or not, check your pins in the files section of each project!

    string (optional) Default: false Example: true
    string (required) Example: Firs_folder

    The name that the file will have.

    string (required) Example: redbooth

    Use redbooth by default. If you know the id of a file that you have in another backend and you want to have it in Redbooth, then choose that backend (oogle, dropbox, box, copy, signnow) and make sure to send the next parameter (backend_id) in your call to the API. This will create an image of the file linked to the specified file in the other backend.

    integer (optional) Example: 1234

    Id of the element that you want to attach. Backend <> redbooth required.

  • RequestView more info
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json
      "name": "First_folder",
      "backend": "redbooth",
      "project_id": 902783,
      "is_dir": "true"
  • Response  201View more info
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
    X-Request-Id: 8p2937b61207s744r03c7565252b50bz
    X-Runtime: 0.222809
      "created_at": 1409852563,
      "updated_at": 1409852563,
      "id": 4647893,
      "name": "First_folder",
      "backend": "redbooth",
      "project_id": 902783,
      "parent_id": null,
      "backend_id": "220554",
      "is_dir": true,
      "is_downloadable": false,
      "is_previewable": false,
      "is_private": false,
      "mime_type": "text/directory",
      "public_token": null,
      "pinned": true,
      "size": 0,
      "user_id": 688561,
      "type": "file"
  • Response  422View more info
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json
      "error": "Unprocessable Entity"


Get File

In this case, we’re selecting a very specific element, so there is no need to use parameters other than “id”.

  • Parameters
  • id
    integer (required) Example: 1234

    Id of the file that we are looking for. It is MANDATORY and it has to be in the url.

  • Response  200View more info
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
    X-Request-Id: 8p2937b61207s744r03c7565252b50bz
    X-Runtime: 0.222809
        "created_at": 1403778342,
        "updated_at": 1403778347,
        "id": 3698074,
        "name": "20130704094446.pdf",
        "backend": "redbooth",
        "project_id": 902783,
        "parent_id": null,
        "backend_id": "3757011",
        "is_dir": false,
        "is_downloadable": true,
        "is_previewable": true,
        "is_private": false,
        "mime_type": "application/pdf",
        "public_token": null,
        "pinned": false,
        "size": 155049,
        "user_id": 688561,
        "type": "file"
  • Response  404View more info
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
      "error": {
        "message": "Not Found"
Update a single File

Modifies an existing file, id is mandatory.

  • Parameters
  • id
    integer (required) Example: 121879

    Id of the file that we are looking for. It is MANDATORY and it has to be in the url.

    integer (required) Example: 18921

    Id of the project to which the file will belong.

    integer (optional) Example: 18921

    Id of the element to which the file will belong.

    integer (optional) Example: 18921

    Id of the folder to which the file will belong after being created, it can be null.

    boolean_param (optional) Default: false Example: true

    Files can be pinned or not, check your pins in the files section of each project!

    string (optional) Default: false Example: true
    string (required) Example: Firs_folder

    The name that the file will have.

    string (required) Example: redbooth

    Use redbooth by default. If you know the id of a file that you have in another backend and you want to have it in Redbooth, then choose that backend (oogle, dropbox, box, copy, signnow) and make sure to send the next parameter (backend_id) in your call to the API. This will create an image of the file linked to the specified file in the other backend.

    integer (optional) Example: 1234

    Id of the element that you want to attach. Backend <> redbooth required.

  • RequestView more info
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json
  • Response  200View more info
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
    X-Request-Id: 8p2937b61207s744r03c7565252b50bz
    X-Runtime: 0.222809
      "created_at": 1409852563,
      "updated_at": 1409855146,
      "id": 4647893,
      "name": "First_folder_modified",
      "backend": "redbooth",
      "project_id": 902783,
      "parent_id": null,
      "backend_id": "220554",
      "is_dir": true,
      "is_downloadable": false,
      "is_previewable": false,
      "is_private": false,
      "mime_type": "text/directory",
      "public_token": null,
      "pinned": false,
      "size": 0,
      "user_id": 688561,
      "type": "file"
  • Response  404View more info
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json
      "error": {
        "message": "Not Found",
        "description": "No file found with the given id"
Delete a File

This verb deletes a file and can be used just once.

  • Parameters
  • id
    integer (required) Example: 1234

    Id of the file that we are looking for. It is MANDATORY and it has to be in the url.

  • Response  204
  • Response  404View more info
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
    X-Request-Id: 8p2937b61207s744r03c7565252b50bz
    X-Runtime: 0.222809
      "error": "File not found"
Next  Previous


Use this endpoint to invite a user to a project or an organization.

The user may be already at Redbooth or not, this is why we use email to identify them in both cases.

Group Invitations 

Create Invitation

Invite the person with the given email to an organization and (optionally) to a project.

  • Parameters
  • organization_id
    integer (required) Example: 123

    Id of the organization we are inviting the user to.

    string (required) Example: foo@bar.com

    Email of the user we are inviting.

    integer (optional) Example: 424

    Project we want to invite the user to.

  • RequestView more info
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json
      "organization_id": "2",
      "email": "frank.kramer@earthworks.com",
      "project_id": "34"
  • Response  201View more info
  • Created: Your invitation was created succesfully. The endpoint returns a user entity.

    Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
    X-Request-Id: 8p2937b61207s744r03c7565252b50bz
    X-Runtime: 0.222809
      "type": "User",
      "created_at": 1373621453,
      "updated_at": 1403885260,
      "id": 688561,
      "first_name": "Frank",
      "last_name": "Kramer",
      "email": "frank.kramer@earthworks.com",
      "needs_profile": false,
      "deleted": false,
      "bouncing_email": false,
      "confirmed_user": true,
      "username": "eduardorodes",
      "avatar_url": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/teambox-assets/avatars/12334/thumb.png?12452154",
      "profile_avatar_url": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/teambox-assets/avatars/124434/profile.png?23546543",
      "micro_avatar_url": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/teambox-assets/avatars/465745/micro.png?234525",
      "first_day_of_week": "sunday",
      "biography": "Eduardo is a young economist passioned about early stage projects and business development. He works on operations and business development at Teambox since he joined the project in september 2013. Before that, he used to work as internationalisation consultant between France and Spain, first for the French Gouvernment and as a freelancer later on.",
      "locale": "en",
      "time_zone": "Madrid",
      "default_digest": 4,
      "notify_conversations": false,
      "notify_tasks": false,
      "notify_pages": false,
      "default_watch_new_task": false,
      "default_watch_new_conversation": false,
      "default_watch_new_page": false,
      "digest_delivery_hour": 6,
      "wants_task_reminder": false,
      "rss_token": "cf3c27fab3e8cd2f568db31b3b0eb46dd3ce31a0",
      "calendar_token": "bb9fd6e48633271bd936e717a23fb3dd3a63a35d",
      "shortcut_apps": null,
      "project_activity_digest": "no_digest",
      "chat_token": "f48a2b40041a948c584f5f0ade5e21ce",
      "is_pro": true
  • Response  422View more info
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json
      "error": "Unprocessable Entity"
  • Response  401View more info
  • Body
    Unauthorized: You don't have the rights to make that invitation.
    If you are about to consume seats be sure you are the organization's admin.
  • Response  402View more info
  • Body
    Payment required: You've used all your seats, upgrade to invite more people to the organization.
Next  Previous

User information 

This endpoint gives you information about your user or the user related to the authentication token that you are using.

User information 

Get User information

Returns a JSON with all the user information.

  • Response  200View more info
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
    X-Request-Id: 8p2937b61207s744r03c7565252b50bz
    X-Runtime: 0.222809
      "type": "User",
      "created_at": 1373621453,
      "updated_at": 1403885260,
      "id": 688561,
      "first_name": "Eduardo",
      "last_name": "Rodés Pons",
      "email": "eduardo.rodes@redbooth.com",
      "needs_profile": false,
      "deleted": false,
      "bouncing_email": false,
      "confirmed_user": true,
      "username": "eduardorodes",
      "avatar_url": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/teambox-assets/avatars/4573567/thumb.png?245724154",
      "profile_avatar_url": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/teambox-assets/avatars/34536/profile.png?8756536",
      "micro_avatar_url": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/teambox-assets/avatars/465745/micro.png?24755735",
      "first_day_of_week": "sunday",
      "biography": "Eduardo is a young economist passioned about early stage projects and business development. He works on operations and business development at Teambox since he joined the project in september 2013. Before that, he used to work as internationalisation consultant between France and Spain, first for the French Gouvernment and as a freelancer later on.",
      "locale": "en",
      "time_zone": "Madrid",
      "default_digest": 4,
      "notify_conversations": false,
      "notify_tasks": false,
      "notify_pages": false,
      "default_watch_new_task": false,
      "default_watch_new_conversation": false,
      "default_watch_new_page": false,
      "digest_delivery_hour": 6,
      "wants_task_reminder": false,
      "rss_token": "cf3c27fab3e8cd2f008db31b3b0eb98dd3ce35a0",
      "calendar_token": "bb9fd6e48699071bd936e7171233fb3dd3a63a35d",
      "shortcut_apps": null,
      "project_activity_digest": "no_digest",
      "chat_token": "f48a2b40041a948c584f5f0ade5e21ce",
      "is_pro": true
  • Response  401View more info
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
      "error": {
        "message": "Unauthorized"
Update your information

Modifies your user information, id is mandatory.

  • Parameters
  • id
    integer (required) Example: 121879

    Your user id. It is mandatory and it has to be in the url.

    string (optional) Example: Eduardo

    First name of your user.

    string (optional) Example: Rodés

    Last name of your user.

    string (optional) Example: eduardo.rodes@redbooth.com

    Email address of your user.


    New password.


    Confirmation of the new password. It will be required if you’re trying to change your user’s account password.


    Old password. It will be required if you’re trying to change your user’s account password.

  • RequestView more info
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json
  • Response  200View more info
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
    X-Request-Id: 8p2937b61207s744r03c7565252b50bz
    X-Runtime: 0.222809
      "type": "User",
      "created_at": 1373621453,
      "updated_at": 1403885260,
      "id": 688561,
      "first_name": "Edu",
      "last_name": "Rodés Pons",
      "email": "eduardo.rodes@redbooth.com",
      "needs_profile": false,
      "deleted": false,
      "bouncing_email": false,
      "confirmed_user": true,
      "username": "eduardorodes",
      "avatar_url": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/teambox-assets/avatars/4573567/thumb.png?245724154",
      "profile_avatar_url": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/teambox-assets/avatars/34536/profile.png?8756536",
      "micro_avatar_url": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/teambox-assets/avatars/465745/micro.png?24755735",
      "first_day_of_week": "sunday",
      "biography": "Eduardo is a young economist passioned about early stage projects and business development. He works on operations and business development at Teambox since he joined the project in september 2013. Before that, he used to work as internationalisation consultant between France and Spain, first for the French Gouvernment and as a freelancer later on.",
      "locale": "en",
      "time_zone": "Madrid",
      "default_digest": 4,
      "notify_conversations": false,
      "notify_tasks": false,
      "notify_pages": false,
      "default_watch_new_task": false,
      "default_watch_new_conversation": false,
      "default_watch_new_page": false,
      "digest_delivery_hour": 6,
      "wants_task_reminder": false,
      "rss_token": "cf3c27fab3e8cd2f008db31b3b0eb98dd3ce35a0",
      "calendar_token": "bb9fd6e48699071bd936e7171233fb3dd3a63a35d",
      "shortcut_apps": null,
      "project_activity_digest": "no_digest",
      "chat_token": "f48a2b40041a948c584f5f0ade5e21ce",
      "is_pro": true
  • Response  404View more info
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json
      "error": {
        "message": "Not Found",
        "description": "No user found with the given id"
Delete your user

This endpoint deletes your user and can be used just once.

  • Parameters
  • id
    integer (required) Example: 1234

    Your user id. It is mandatory and it has to be in the url.

  • Response  204
  • Response  404View more info
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
    X-Request-Id: 8p2937b61207s744r03c7565252b50bz
    X-Runtime: 0.222809
      "error": "User not found"
Next  Previous


Memberships is a bridge endpoint that gathers users relating them with organizations, their role in those, etc. One user can have different memberships in different organizations, those are gathered in the endpoint memberships as different elements.

Membership List 

Get Memberships

Returns a JSON list of memberships in the different organizations to which the user has access. Notice that that list will have at least one membership per user to which the requester is related + the different memberships that himself may represent in different organizations.

  • Parameters
  • order
    string (optional) Default: id-DESC Example: created_at-ASC

    You can always choose in which order do you want to get your results. You can sort them in ascending or descending order by the following elements: id, created_at, updated_at and position.

    integer (optional) Default: 1000 Example: 15

    You choose how many results per page do you want to get, with a maximum of 1000.

    integer (optional) Default: 1 Example: 3

    You choose the page that you want to get.

    integer (optional) Example: 1283

    Id of the organization to which the element belongs.

    integer (optional) Example: 12341

    Id of the user who created the element.

    string (optional) Example: participant

    A person can have different roles: external, participant, admin.

  • Response  200View more info
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
    X-Request-Id: 8p2937b61207s744r03c7565252b50bz
    X-Runtime: 0.222809
            "type": "Membership",
            "id": 583561,
            "user_id": 749971,
            "organization_id": 364563,
            "role": admin
            "type": "Membership",
            "id": 583554,
            "user_id": 749993,
            "organization_id": 364563,
            "role": admin
            "type": "Membership",
            "id": 581507,
            "user_id": 748080,
            "organization_id": 364563,
            "role": admin
            "type": "Membership",
            "id": 581488,
            "user_id": 748122,
            "organization_id": 364563,
            "role": admin
  • Response  401View more info
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
      "error": {
        "message": "Unauthorized"
Create New Membership

Creates a new membership with a new id in the location (organization_id) that you specify. Note that creating a membership is creating a user-to-organization relationship, it is inviting a user to an organization and that is why his user_id will be essential.

  • Parameters
  • organization_id
    integer (required) Example: 121

    Id of the organization to which the element will belong.

    integer (required) Example: 12341

    Id of the user who will own the membership.

    string (optional) Example: observer

    A membership can have different roles: external, participant, admin.

  • RequestView more info
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json
      "user_id": "749971",
      "project_id": "902783",
      "role": "admin"
  • Response  201View more info
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
    X-Request-Id: 8p2937b61207s744r03c7565252b50bz
    X-Runtime: 0.222809
        "type": "Membership",
        "id": 583561,
        "user_id": 749971,
        "organization_id": 364563,
        "role": admin
  • Response  422View more info
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json
      "error": "Unprocessable Entity"


Get Membership

In this case, we’re selecting a very specific element, so there is no need to use parameters other than “id”.

  • Parameters
  • id
    integer (required) Example: 1234

    Id of the membership that we are looking for. It is mandatory and it has to be in the url.

  • Response  200View more info
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
    X-Request-Id: 8p2937b61207s744r03c7565252b50bz
    X-Runtime: 0.222809
        "type": "Membership",
        "id": 583561,
        "user_id": 749971,
        "organization_id": 364563,
        "role": participant
  • Response  401View more info
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
      "error": {
        "message": "Unauthorized"
Update a single Membership

Modifies an existing person, id is mandatory.

  • Parameters
  • id
    integer (required) Example: 1234

    Id of the membership that we are looking for. It is MANDATORY and it has to be in the url.

    integer (required) Example: 121

    Id of the project to which the element will belong.

    integer (required) Example: 12341

    Id of the user who owns the membership.

    string (optional) Example: observer

    A person can have different roles: external, participant, admin.

  • RequestView more info
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json
      "role": "participant"
  • Response  200View more info
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
    X-Request-Id: 8p2937b61207s744r03c7565252b50bz
    X-Runtime: 0.222809
        "type": "Membership",
        "id": 583561,
        "user_id": 749971,
        "organization_id": 364563,
        "role": participant
  • Response  404View more info
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json
      "error": {
        "message": "Not Found",
        "description": "No membership found with the given id"
Delete a membership

This endpoint deletes a membership and can be used just once.

  • Parameters
  • id
    integer (required) Example: 1234

    Id of the membership that we are looking for. It is MANDATORY and it has to be in the url.

  • Response  204
  • Response  404View more info
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
    X-Request-Id: 8p2937b61207s744r03c7565252b50bz
    X-Runtime: 0.222809
      "error": "No membership found with the given id"
Next  Previous


Redbooth’s notes are shared pieces of contet taht can include files, images and other resources. They can be publicly shared and easily printed.

Note List 

Get Notes

Returns a JSON list of notes to which the user has access.

  • Parameters
  • order
    string (optional) Default: id-DESC Example: created_at-ASC

    You can always choose in which order do you want to get your results. You can sort them in ascending or descending order by the following elements: id, created_at, updated_at and position.

    integer (optional) Default: 1000 Example: 15

    You choose how many results per page do you want to get, with a maximum of 1000.

    integer (optional) Default: 1 Example: 3

    You choose the page that you want to get.

    integer (optional) Example: 1283

    The id of the organization to which the element belongs.

    integer (optional) Example: 121

    Id of the project to which the element belongs.

    integer (optional) Example: 12341

    Id of the user who created the element.

  • Response  200View more info
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
    X-Request-Id: 8p2937b61207s744r03c7565252b50bz
    X-Runtime: 0.222809
            "type": "Page",
            "created_at": 1403542336,
            "updated_at": 1403542336,
            "id": 1161133,
            "name": "Example Note 2",
            "content": "<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer nec odio. Praesent libero. Sed cursus ante dapibus diam. Sed nisi. Nulla quis sem at nibh elementum imperdiet. Duis sagittis ipsum. Praesent mauris. Fusce nec tellus sed augue semper porta. Mauris massa. Vestibulum lacinia arcu eget nulla. Class aptent taciti <em>sociosqu ad litora torquent</em> per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Curabitur sodales ligula in libero.</p><p><br>Sed dignissim lacinia nunc. Curabitur tortor. Pellentesque nibh. Aenean quam. In scelerisque sem at dolor. Maecenas mattis. Sed convallis tristique sem. Proin ut ligula vel nunc egestas porttitor. Morbi lectus risus, iaculis vel, suscipit quis, luctus non, massa. Fusce ac turpis quis ligula lacinia aliquet. Mauris ipsum. Nulla metus metus, ullamcorper vel, tincidunt sed, euismod in, nibh. </p><p><br>Quisque volutpat condimentum velit. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nam nec ante. Sed lacinia, urna non tincidunt mattis, tortor neque adipiscing diam, a cursus ipsum ante quis turpis. Nulla facilisi. Ut fringilla. Suspendisse potenti. Nunc feugiat mi a tellus consequat imperdiet. Vestibulum sapien. Proin quam. Etiam ultrices. Suspendisse in justo eu magna luctus suscipit. Sed lectus. Integer euismod lacus luctus magna. </p><p><br>Quisque cursus, metus vitae pharetra auctor, sem massa mattis sem, at interdum magna augue eget diam. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; <u>Morbi lacinia molestie dui</u>. Praesent blandit dolor. Sed non quam. In vel mi sit amet augue congue elementum. Morbi in ipsum sit amet pede facilisis laoreet. Donec lacus nunc, viverra nec, blandit vel, egestas et, augue. Vestibulum tincidunt malesuada tellus. Ut ultrices ultrices enim. Curabitur sit amet mauris. Morbi in dui quis est pulvinar ullamcorper. Nulla facilisi. Integer lacinia sollicitudin massa. Cras metus. </p><hr><p>Sed aliquet risus a tortor. Integer id quam. Morbi mi. Quisque nisl felis, venenatis tristique, dignissim in, ultrices sit amet, augue. Proin sodales libero eget ante. Nulla quam. Aenean laoreet. <del>Vestibulum nisi lectus,</del> commodo ac, facilisis ac, ultricies eu, pede. Ut orci risus, accumsan porttitor, cursus quis, aliquet eget, justo. Sed pretium blandit orci. Ut eu diam at pede suscipit sodales. Aenean lectus elit, fermentum non, convallis id, sagittis at, neque. Nullam mauris orci, aliquet et, iaculis et, viverra vitae, ligula. Nulla ut felis in purus aliquam imperdiet. </p><p><span data-id="3732670" data-filename="Screen Shot 2014-06-23 at 1.27.54 PM.png"></span></p>",
            "project_id": 902783,
            "position": 0,
            "permalink": "example-note-2",
            "is_private": false,
            "shared": false,
            "token": "c43a25255a6ae253",
            "user_id": 688561,
            "updated_by_id": 688561,
            "metadata":  {},
            "deleted": false
            "type": "Page",
            "created_at": 1403542310,
            "updated_at": 1403542310,
            "id": 1161132,
            "name": "Example Note 1",
            "content": "<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer nec odio. Praesent libero. Sed cursus ante dapibus diam. Sed nisi. Nulla quis sem at nibh elementum imperdiet. Duis sagittis ipsum. Praesent mauris. Fusce nec tellus sed augue semper porta. Mauris massa. Vestibulum lacinia arcu eget nulla. Class aptent taciti <em>sociosqu ad litora torquent</em> per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Curabitur sodales ligula in libero. </p><p><br>Sed dignissim lacinia nunc. Curabitur tortor. Pellentesque nibh. Aenean quam. In scelerisque sem at dolor. Maecenas mattis. Sed convallis tristique sem. Proin ut ligula vel nunc egestas porttitor. Morbi lectus risus, iaculis vel, suscipit quis, luctus non, massa. Fusce ac turpis quis ligula lacinia aliquet. Mauris ipsum. Nulla metus metus, ullamcorper vel, tincidunt sed, euismod in, nibh. </p><p><br>Quisque volutpat condimentum velit. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nam nec ante. Sed lacinia, urna non tincidunt mattis, tortor neque adipiscing diam, a cursus ipsum ante quis turpis. Nulla facilisi. Ut fringilla. Suspendisse potenti. Nunc feugiat mi a <strong>tellus consequat</strong> imperdiet. Vestibulum sapien. Proin quam. Etiam ultrices. Suspendisse in justo eu magna luctus suscipit. Sed lectus. Integer euismod lacus luctus magna. </p><p><br>Quisque cursus, metus vitae pharetra auctor, sem massa mattis sem, at interdum magna augue eget diam. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; <u>Morbi lacinia molestie dui</u>. Praesent blandit dolor. Sed non quam. In vel mi sit amet augue congue elementum. Morbi in ipsum sit amet pede facilisis laoreet. Donec lacus nunc, viverra nec, blandit vel, egestas et, augue. Vestibulum tincidunt malesuada tellus. Ut ultrices ultrices enim. Curabitur sit amet mauris. Morbi in dui quis est pulvinar ullamcorper. Nulla facilisi. Integer lacinia sollicitudin massa. Cras metus. </p><p></p><hr><p>Sed aliquet risus a tortor. Integer id quam. Morbi mi. Quisque nisl felis, venenatis tristique, dignissim in, ultrices sit amet, augue. Proin sodales libero eget ante. Nulla quam. Aenean laoreet. <del>Vestibulum nisi lectus,</del> commodo ac, facilisis ac, ultricies eu, pede. Ut orci risus, accumsan porttitor, cursus quis, aliquet eget, justo. Sed pretium blandit orci. Ut eu diam at pede suscipit sodales. Aenean lectus elit, fermentum non, convallis id, sagittis at, neque. Nullam mauris orci, aliquet et, iaculis et, viverra vitae, ligula. Nulla ut felis in purus aliquam imperdiet. </p><p><span data-id="3732670" data-filename="Screen Shot 2014-06-23 at 1.27.54 PM.png"></span></p>",
            "project_id": 902783,
            "position": 1,
            "permalink": "example-note-1",
            "is_private": false,
            "shared": false,
            "token": "44f6d5f932f502e9",
            "user_id": 688561,
            "updated_by_id": 688561,
            "metadata":  {},
            "deleted": false
  • Response  401View more info
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
      "error": {
        "message": "Unauthorized"
Create New Note

Posts a new note with a new id in the location (project_id) that you specify.

  • Parameters
  • project_id
    integer (required) Example: 121

    Id of the project to which the element will belong after posting it.

    string (required) Example: Example name

    The name that the note will have.

    string (optional) Example: Example content

    The body of the note.

    string (optional) Default: false Example: false

    This parameter is used to manage rights & permissions. It can be =true or =false. It will be =false by default, so the note will be public if there is no specification.

    string (optional) Default: false Example: true

    Notes can be publicly shared and accessible to externals.

  • RequestView more info
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json
      "name": "Example title",
      "content": "Example content.",
      "project_id": "902783",
      "shared": "true"
  • Response  201View more info
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
    X-Request-Id: 8p2937b61207s744r03c7565252b50bz
    X-Runtime: 0.222809
        "type": "Page",
        "created_at": 1403544523,
        "updated_at": 1403544523,
        "id": 1161200,
        "name": "Example title",
        "content": "Example content.",
        "project_id": 902783,
        "position": 4,
        "permalink": "example-title-xcbj4",
        "is_private": false,
        "shared": true,
        "token": "92fb8132c793fd33",
        "user_id": 688561,
        "updated_by_id": 688561,
        "metadata": {},
        "deleted": false
  • Response  422View more info
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json
      "error": "Unprocessable Entity"


Get Note

In this case, we’re selecting a very specific element, so there is no need to use parameters other than “id”.

  • Parameters
  • id
    integer (required) Example: 1234

    Id of the note that we are looking for. It is MANDATORY and it has to be in the url.

  • Response  200View more info
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
    X-Request-Id: 8p2937b61207s744r03c7565252b50bz
    X-Runtime: 0.222809
            "type": "Page",
            "created_at": 1403542310,
            "updated_at": 1403542310,
            "id": 1161132,
            "name": "Example Note 1",
            "content": "<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer nec odio. Praesent libero. Sed cursus ante dapibus diam. Sed nisi. Nulla quis sem at nibh elementum imperdiet. Duis sagittis ipsum. Praesent mauris. Fusce nec tellus sed augue semper porta. Mauris massa. Vestibulum lacinia arcu eget nulla. Class aptent taciti <em>sociosqu ad litora torquent</em> per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Curabitur sodales ligula in libero. </p><p><br>Sed dignissim lacinia nunc. Curabitur tortor. Pellentesque nibh. Aenean quam. In scelerisque sem at dolor. Maecenas mattis. Sed convallis tristique sem. Proin ut ligula vel nunc egestas porttitor. Morbi lectus risus, iaculis vel, suscipit quis, luctus non, massa. Fusce ac turpis quis ligula lacinia aliquet. Mauris ipsum. Nulla metus metus, ullamcorper vel, tincidunt sed, euismod in, nibh. </p><p><br>Quisque volutpat condimentum velit. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nam nec ante. Sed lacinia, urna non tincidunt mattis, tortor neque adipiscing diam, a cursus ipsum ante quis turpis. Nulla facilisi. Ut fringilla. Suspendisse potenti. Nunc feugiat mi a <strong>tellus consequat</strong> imperdiet. Vestibulum sapien. Proin quam. Etiam ultrices. Suspendisse in justo eu magna luctus suscipit. Sed lectus. Integer euismod lacus luctus magna. </p><p><br>Quisque cursus, metus vitae pharetra auctor, sem massa mattis sem, at interdum magna augue eget diam. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; <u>Morbi lacinia molestie dui</u>. Praesent blandit dolor. Sed non quam. In vel mi sit amet augue congue elementum. Morbi in ipsum sit amet pede facilisis laoreet. Donec lacus nunc, viverra nec, blandit vel, egestas et, augue. Vestibulum tincidunt malesuada tellus. Ut ultrices ultrices enim. Curabitur sit amet mauris. Morbi in dui quis est pulvinar ullamcorper. Nulla facilisi. Integer lacinia sollicitudin massa. Cras metus. </p><p></p><hr><p>Sed aliquet risus a tortor. Integer id quam. Morbi mi. Quisque nisl felis, venenatis tristique, dignissim in, ultrices sit amet, augue. Proin sodales libero eget ante. Nulla quam. Aenean laoreet. <del>Vestibulum nisi lectus,</del> commodo ac, facilisis ac, ultricies eu, pede. Ut orci risus, accumsan porttitor, cursus quis, aliquet eget, justo. Sed pretium blandit orci. Ut eu diam at pede suscipit sodales. Aenean lectus elit, fermentum non, convallis id, sagittis at, neque. Nullam mauris orci, aliquet et, iaculis et, viverra vitae, ligula. Nulla ut felis in purus aliquam imperdiet. </p><p><span data-id="3732670" data-filename="Screen Shot 2014-06-23 at 1.27.54 PM.png"></span></p>",
            "project_id": 902783,
            "position": 1,
            "permalink": "example-note-1",
            "is_private": false,
            "shared": false,
            "token": "44f6d5f932f502e9",
            "user_id": 688561,
            "updated_by_id": 688561,
            "metadata":  {},
            "deleted": false
  • Response  401View more info
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
      "error": {
        "message": "Unauthorized"
Update a single Note

Modifies an existing note, id is mandatory.

  • Parameters
  • id
    integer (required) Example: 121879

    Id of the note that we are looking for. It is MANDATORY and it has to be in the url.

    integer (optional) Example: 121

    Id of the project to which the element will belong after modifying it.

    string (optional) Example: Example title modified

    The name that the note will have.

    string (optional) Example: Example content modified

    The content of the note.

    string (optional) Default: fasle Example: false

    This parameter is used to manage rights & permissions. It can be =true or =false. It will be =false by default, so the conversation will be public if there is no specification.

    string (optional) Default: false Example: true

    Notes can be publicly shared and accessible to externals.

  • RequestView more info
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json
      "name": "Example title modified",
      "content": "Modified content",
      "project_id": "902783",
      "shared": "true"
  • Response  200View more info
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
    X-Request-Id: 8p2937b61207s744r03c7565252b50bz
    X-Runtime: 0.222809
        "type": "Page",
        "created_at": 1403543947,
        "updated_at": 1403545731,
        "id": 1161185,
        "name": "Example title modified",
        "content": "Modified content",
        "project_id": 902783,
        "position": 4,
        "permalink": "example-title",
        "is_private": false,
        "shared": true,
        "token": "f43c412bca1a9ddc",
        "user_id": 688561,
        "updated_by_id": 688561,
        "metadata": {},
        "deleted": false
  • Response  404View more info
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json
      "error": {
        "message": "Not Found",
        "description": "No note found with the given id"
Delete a Note

This endpoint deletes a note and can be used just once.

  • Parameters
  • id
    integer (required) Example: 1234

    Id of the note that we are looking for. It is MANDATORY and it has to be in the url.

  • Response  204
  • Response  404View more info
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
    X-Request-Id: 8p2937b61207s744r03c7565252b50bz
    X-Runtime: 0.222809
      "error": "Note not found"
Next  Previous


Redbooth’s notifications are automatically generated when certain activities take place. Their goal is to inform each user of the changes going on in the projects or tasks in which he is involved.

Notification List 

Get Notifications

Returns a JSON list of notifications to be read by the user.

  • Parameters
  • order
    string (optional) Default: id-DESC Example: created_at-ASC

    You can always choose in which order do you want to get your results. You can sort them in ascending or descending order by the following elements: id, created_at, updated_at and position.

    integer (optional) Default: 1000 Example: 15

    You choose how many results per page do you want to get, with a maximum of 1000.

    integer (optional) Default: 1 Example: 3

    You choose the page that you want to get.

  • Response  200View more info
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
    X-Request-Id: 8p2937b61207s744r03c7565252b50bz
    X-Runtime: 0.222809
        "type": "DenormalizedNotification",
        "created_at": 1403793458,
        "updated_at": 1403793458,
        "id": 177943870,
        "read": false,
        "user_id": 688561,
        "person_id": 1967294,
        "sent": false,
        "watching": true,
        "activity_id": 57278492,
        "title": "Bulk import issues list",
        "body": "please also take out @web.de and @gmx.de organization domains. they are the main German email hosts.",
        "target_type": "Comment",
        "target_id": 39660329,
        "comment_target_type": "Task",
        "comment_target_id": 12695686,
        "assigned_id": null,
        "previous_assigned_id": null,
        "due_on": null,
        "previous_due_on": null,
        "urgent": false,
        "previous_urgent": false,
        "time_tracking_on": "2014-06-26"
        "type": "DenormalizedNotification",
        "created_at": 1404157425,
        "updated_at": 1404157425,
        "id": 179355519,
        "read": false,
        "user_id": 688561,
        "person_id": 1908979,
        "sent": false,
        "watching": true,
        "activity_id": 57627951,
        "title": "Bulk import issues list",
        "body": "please also take out @web.de and @gmx.de organization domains. they are the main German email hosts.",
        "target_type": "Comment",
        "target_id": 39922546,
        "comment_target_type": "Task",
        "comment_target_id": 13266627,
        "assigned_id": null,
        "previous_assigned_id": null,
        "due_on": null,
        "previous_due_on": null,
        "urgent": false,
        "previous_urgent": false,
        "time_tracking_on": "2014-06-26"
  • Response  401View more info
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
      "error": {
        "message": "Unauthorized"
Create New Notification

As said at the begining of this section, notifications are poted automatically and cannot be generated by a user or administrator.


    Get Notification

    In this case, we’re selecting a very specific element, so there is no need to use parameters other than “id”.

    • Parameters
    • id
      integer (required) Example: 1234

      Id of the note that we are looking for. It is mandatory and it has to be in the url.

    • Response  200View more info
    • Headers
      Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
      X-Request-Id: 8p2937b61207s744r03c7565252b50bz
      X-Runtime: 0.222809
        "type": "DenormalizedNotification",
        "created_at": 1403793458,
        "updated_at": 1403793458,
        "id": 177943870,
        "read": false,
        "user_id": 688561,
        "person_id": 1967294,
        "sent": false,
        "watching": true,
        "activity_id": 57278492,
        "title": "Bulk import issues list",
        "body": "please also take out @web.de and @gmx.de organization domains. they are the main German email hosts.",
        "target_type": "Comment",
        "target_id": 39660329,
        "comment_target_type": "Task",
        "comment_target_id": 12695686,
        "assigned_id": null,
        "previous_assigned_id": null,
        "due_on": null,
        "previous_due_on": null,
        "urgent": false,
        "previous_urgent": false,
        "time_tracking_on": "2014-06-26"
    • Response  401View more info
    • Headers
      Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
        "error": {
          "message": "Unauthorized"
    Update a single Organization

    The only thing that can change in a notification is that it may have been read.

    • Parameters
    • id
      integer (required) Example: 121879

      Id of the notification that we are looking for. It is mandatory and it has to be in the url.

      string (required) Example: true

      State of the notification, read or not.

    • RequestView more info
    • Headers
      Content-Type: application/json
    • Response  200View more info
    • Headers
      Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
      X-Request-Id: 8p2937b61207s744r03c7565252b50bz
      X-Runtime: 0.222809
    • Response  404View more info
    • Headers
      Content-Type: application/json
        "error": {
          "message": "Not Found",
          "description": "No organization found with the given id"
    Delete a Notification

    This endpoint deletes a notification and can be used just once.

    • Parameters
    • id
      integer (required) Example: 1234

      Id of the notification that we are looking for. It is mandatory and it has to be in the url.

    • Response  204
    • Response  404View more info
    • Headers
      Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
      X-Request-Id: 8p2937b61207s744r03c7565252b50bz
      X-Runtime: 0.222809
        "error": "Organization not found"
    Next  Previous


    Redbooth’s organizations are workspaces where teams meet to collaborate and work in an efficient way, they are the top level hierarchy scope in the product. Under an Organization, you will be able to create projects and invite members (users) to collaborate on them.

    Organization List 

    Get Organizations

    Returns a JSON list of organizaitons to which the user is related.

    • Parameters
    • order
      string (optional) Default: id-DESC Example: created_at-ASC

      You can always choose in which order do you want to get your results. You can sort them in ascending or descending order by the following elements: id, created_at, updated_at and position.

      integer (optional) Default: 1000 Example: 15

      You choose how many results per page do you want to get, with a maximum of 1000.

      integer (optional) Default: 1 Example: 3

      You choose the page that you want to get.

    • Response  200View more info
    • Headers
      Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
      X-Request-Id: 8p2937b61207s744r03c7565252b50bz
      X-Runtime: 0.222809
          "type": "Organization",
          "created_at": 1379606967,
          "updated_at": 1399803155,
          "id": 364563,
          "name": "SHAKYBUSH",
          "permalink": "busshake-qjira",
          "domain": "",
          "shortcut_apps": null,
          "settings": {
            "allow_comment_deletion": true,
            "org_size": 50,
            "org_field": "other",
            "omit_email_processing": false
          "omit_email_processing": false,
          "product": "pro1y",
          "product_name": "annual pro",
          "feature_level": "freeu",
          "subscription_id": 7151,
          "seats": 15,
          "remaining_users": 3,
          "available_users": 15,
          "used_users": 12,
          "remaining_projects": 0,
          "available_projects": 0,
          "used_projects": 5,
          "metadata": {},
          "square_logo_url": "/images/logos/square/missing.png",
          "top_logo_url": "/images/logos/top/missing.png",
          "has_logo": false,
          "is_pro": true
          "type": "Organization",
          "created_at": 1386602202,
          "updated_at": 1403431573,
          "id": 404980,
          "name": "AGENDA: E. R.",
          "permalink": "agenda-e-r",
          "domain": null,
          "shortcut_apps": null,
          "settings": {
            "allow_comment_deletion": true
          "omit_email_processing": false,
          "product": "pro1y",
          "product_name": "annual pro",
          "feature_level": "pro1y",
          "subscription_id": 9572,
          "seats": 5,
          "remaining_users": 3,
          "available_users": 5,
          "used_users": 2,
          "remaining_projects": 0,
          "available_projects": 0,
          "used_projects": 3,
          "metadata": {},
          "square_logo_url": "/images/logos/square/missing.png",
          "top_logo_url": "/images/logos/top/missing.png",
          "has_logo": false,
          "is_pro": true
    • Response  401View more info
    • Headers
      Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
        "error": {
          "message": "Unauthorized"
    Create New Organization

    Posts a new organization with a new id.

    • Parameters
    • name
      string (required) Example: My Organization

      The name that the organization will have.

       (required) Default: false 

      Permalink the organization will have.

       (required) Default: false 

      Domain the organization will have.

    • RequestView more info
    • Headers
      Content-Type: application/json
        "name": "My Organization",
        "permalink": "my_organization",
        "domain": "myorg.com"
    • Response  201View more info
    • Headers
      Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
      X-Request-Id: 8p2937b61207s744r03c7565252b50bz
      X-Runtime: 0.222809
        "type": "Organization",
        "created_at": 1404171216,
        "updated_at": 1404171216,
        "id": 477515,
        "name": "My Organization",
        "permalink": "my_organization",
        "domain": "myorg.com",
        "shortcut_apps": null,
        "settings": {
          "allow_comment_deletion": true
        "omit_email_processing": false,
        "product": null,
        "product_name": "free",
        "feature_level": "freeu",
        "subscription_id": null,
        "seats": 5,
        "remaining_users": 4,
        "available_users": 5,
        "used_users": 1,
        "remaining_projects": 5,
        "available_projects": 5,
        "used_projects": 0,
        "metadata": {},
        "square_logo_url": "/images/logos/square/missing.png",
        "top_logo_url": "/images/logos/top/missing.png",
        "has_logo": false,
        "description": null
    • Response  422View more info
    • Headers
      Content-Type: application/json
        "error": "Unprocessable Entity"


    Get Organization

    In this case, we’re selecting a very specific element, so there is no need to use parameters other than “id”.

    • Parameters
    • id
      integer (required) Example: 1234

      Id of the organization that we are looking for. It is mandatory and it has to be in the url.

    • Response  200View more info
    • Headers
      Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
      X-Request-Id: 8p2937b61207s744r03c7565252b50bz
      X-Runtime: 0.222809
        "type": "Organization",
        "created_at": 1379606967,
        "updated_at": 1399803155,
        "id": 364563,
        "name": "SHAKYBUSH",
        "permalink": "busshake-qjira",
        "domain": "",
        "shortcut_apps": null,
        "settings": {
          "allow_comment_deletion": true,
          "org_size": 50,
          "org_field": "other",
          "omit_email_processing": false
        "omit_email_processing": false,
        "product": "pro1y",
        "product_name": "annual pro",
        "feature_level": "freeu",
        "subscription_id": 7151,
        "seats": 15,
        "remaining_users": 3,
        "available_users": 15,
        "used_users": 12,
        "remaining_projects": 0,
        "available_projects": 0,
        "used_projects": 5,
        "metadata": {},
        "square_logo_url": "/images/logos/square/missing.png",
        "top_logo_url": "/images/logos/top/missing.png",
        "has_logo": false,
        "is_pro": true
    • Response  401View more info
    • Headers
      Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
        "error": {
          "message": "Unauthorized"
    Update a single Organization

    Modifies an existing organization, id is mandatory.

    • Parameters
    • id
      integer (required) Example: 121879

      Id of the organization that we are looking for. It is MANDATORY and it has to be in the url.

      string (required) Example: My Organization

      The name that the organization will have.

       (required) Default: false 

      Permalink the organization will have.

       (required) Default: false 

      Domain the organization will have.

    • RequestView more info
    • Headers
      Content-Type: application/json
    • Response  200View more info
    • Headers
      Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
      X-Request-Id: 8p2937b61207s744r03c7565252b50bz
      X-Runtime: 0.222809
        "type": "Organization",
        "created_at": 1404171216,
        "updated_at": 1404171556,
        "id": 477515,
        "name": "My Organization",
        "permalink": "modified_domaincom",
        "domain": "myorg.com",
        "shortcut_apps": null,
        "settings": {
          "allow_comment_deletion": true
        "omit_email_processing": false,
        "product": null,
        "product_name": "free",
        "feature_level": "freeu",
        "subscription_id": null,
        "seats": 5,
        "remaining_users": 4,
        "available_users": 5,
        "used_users": 1,
        "remaining_projects": 5,
        "available_projects": 5,
        "used_projects": 0,
        "metadata": {},
        "square_logo_url": "/images/logos/square/missing.png",
        "top_logo_url": "/images/logos/top/missing.png",
        "has_logo": false,
        "description": null
    • Response  404View more info
    • Headers
      Content-Type: application/json
        "error": {
          "message": "Not Found",
          "description": "No organization found with the given id"
    Delete a Organization

    This endpoint deletes a organization and can be used just once.

    • Parameters
    • id
      integer (required) Example: 1234

      Id of the organization that we are looking for. It is MANDATORY and it has to be in the url.

    • Response  204
    • Response  404View more info
    • Headers
      Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
      X-Request-Id: 8p2937b61207s744r03c7565252b50bz
      X-Runtime: 0.222809
        "error": "Organization not found"
    Next  Previous


    People is a bridge endpoint that gathers users relating them with projects, their role in those, etc. One user can be different persons in different projects, those characters are gathered in the endpoint people as single individuals.

    People List 

    Get People

    Returns a JSON list of people in the different projects to which the user has access. Notice that that list will have at least one person per user to which the requester is related + the different people that himself may represent in different projects.

    • Parameters
    • order
      string (optional) Default: id-DESC Example: created_at-ASC

      You can always choose in which order do you want to get your results. You can sort them in ascending or descending order by the following elements: id, created_at, updated_at and position.

      string (optional) Default: 1000 Example: 15

      You choose how many results per page do you want to get, with a maximum of 1000.

      string (optional) Default: 1 Example: 3

      You choose the page that you want to get.

      string (optional) Example: 1283

      The id of the organization to which the element belongs.

      string (optional) Example: 121

      The project’s id to which the element belongs.

      string (optional) Example: 12341

      Id of the user who created the element.

      string (optional) Example: observer

      A person can have different roles: observer, commenter, participant or admin.

    • Response  200View more info
    • Headers
      Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
      X-Request-Id: 8p2937b61207s744r03c7565252b50bz
      X-Runtime: 0.222809
              "type": "Person",
              "created_at": 1403611566,
              "updated_at": 1403611566,
              "id": 2612487,
              "user_id": 688561,
              "project_id": 1224630,
              "role": 3,
              "source_user_id": null,
              "watch_new_task": false,
              "watch_new_conversation": false,
              "watch_new_page": false,
              "instant_notifications": true,
              "digest": 4
              "type": "Person",
              "created_at": 1402071446,
              "updated_at": 1402071446,
              "id": 2561652,
              "user_id": 688561,
              "project_id": 1203324,
              "role": 2,
              "source_user_id": 688561,
              "watch_new_task": false,
              "watch_new_conversation": false,
              "watch_new_page": false,
              "instant_notifications": true,
              "digest": 4
              "type": "Person",
              "created_at": 1401111756,
              "updated_at": 1401111756,
              "id": 2525598,
              "user_id": 688561,
              "project_id": 1187461,
              "role": 2,
              "source_user_id": 688561,
              "watch_new_task": false,
              "watch_new_conversation": false,
              "watch_new_page": false,
              "instant_notifications": true,
              "digest": 4
    • Response  401View more info
    • Headers
      Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
        "error": {
          "message": "Unauthorized"
    Create New Person

    Creates a new person with a new id in the location (project_id) that you specify. Note that creating a person is creating a user-to-project relationship, it is inviting a user to a project and that is why his user_id will be essential.

    • Parameters
    • project_id
      string (required) Example: 121

      The project’s id to which the element will belong.

      string (required) Example: 12341

      Id of the user that will embody this person.

      string (optional) Example: observer

      A person can have different roles: observer, commenter, participant or admin.

    • RequestView more info
    • Headers
      Content-Type: application/json
        "user_id": "128384",
        "project_id": "902783",
        "role": "participant"
    • Response  201View more info
    • Headers
      Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
      X-Request-Id: 8p2937b61207s744r03c7565252b50bz
      X-Runtime: 0.222809
          "type": "Person",
          "created_at": 1403611566,
          "updated_at": 1403611566,
          "id": 2612487,
          "user_id": 128384,
          "project_id": 902783,
          "role": participant,
          "source_user_id": null,
          "watch_new_task": false,
          "watch_new_conversation": false,
          "watch_new_page": false,
          "instant_notifications": true,
          "digest": 4
    • Response  422View more info
    • Headers
      Content-Type: application/json
        "error": "Unprocessable Entity"


    Get Person

    In this case, we’re selecting a very specific element, so there is no need to use parameters other than “id”.

    • Parameters
    • project_id
      string (optional) Example: 121

      The project’s id to which the element belongs.

    • Response  200View more info
    • Headers
      Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
      X-Request-Id: 8p2937b61207s744r03c7565252b50bz
      X-Runtime: 0.222809
        "type": "Person",
        "created_at": 1403611566,
        "updated_at": 1403611566,
        "id": 2612487,
        "user_id": 688561,
        "project_id": 1224630,
        "role": 3,
        "source_user_id": null,
        "watch_new_task": false,
        "watch_new_conversation": false,
        "watch_new_page": false,
        "instant_notifications": true,
        "digest": 4
    • Response  401View more info
    • Headers
      Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
        "error": {
          "message": "Unauthorized"
    Update a single Person

    Modifies an existing person, id is mandatory.

    • Parameters
    • project_id
      string (required) Example: 121

      The project’s id to which the element will belong.

      string (required) Example: 12341

      Id of the user that will embody this person.

      string (optional) Example: observer

      A person can have different roles: observer, commenter, participant or admin.

    • RequestView more info
    • Headers
      Content-Type: application/json
        "role": "admin"
    • Response  200View more info
    • Headers
      Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
      X-Request-Id: 8p2937b61207s744r03c7565252b50bz
      X-Runtime: 0.222809
          "type": "Person",
          "created_at": 1403611566,
          "updated_at": 1403611566,
          "id": 2612487,
          "user_id": 128384,
          "project_id": 902783,
          "role": admin,
          "source_user_id": null,
          "watch_new_task": false,
          "watch_new_conversation": false,
          "watch_new_page": false,
          "instant_notifications": true,
          "digest": 4
    • Response  404View more info
    • Headers
      Content-Type: application/json
        "error": {
          "message": "Not Found",
          "description": "No person found with the given id"
    Delete a person

    This endpoint deletes a person and can be used just once.

    • Parameters
    • id
      string (required) Example: 1234

      Id of the person that we are looking for. It is MANDATORY and it has to be in the url.

    • Response  204
    • Response  404View more info
    • Headers
      Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
      X-Request-Id: 8p2937b61207s744r03c7565252b50bz
      X-Runtime: 0.222809
        "error": "No person found with the given id"
    Next  Previous


    Redbooth’s projects are interactive spaces that host tasks, conversations, notes and files. The members of a project can have access or not to those elements depending on their rights & permissions. Those, determine to the power of users to do actions such as deleting tasks, modifying them fifteen minutes after they have been created, etc.

    Project List 

    Get Projects

    Returns a JSON list of projects to which the user has access.

    • Parameters
    • order
      string (optional) Default: id-DESC Example: created_at-ASC

      You can always choose in which order do you want to get your results. You can sort them in ascending or descending order by the following elements: id, created_at, updated_at and position.

      integer (optional) Default: 1000 Example: 15

      You choose how many results per page do you want to get, with a maximum of 1000.

      integer (optional) Default: 1 Example: 3

      You choose the page that you want to get.

      integer (optional) Example: 1283

      The id of the organization to which the element belongs.

      user_id (optional, integer, `12341`) ... Filters your projects taking the ones to which a user with a given user_id belongs.
      string (optional) Example: false
    • Response  200View more info
    • Headers
      Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
      X-Request-Id: 8p2937b61207s744r03c7565252b50bz
      X-Runtime: 0.222809
          "type": "Project",
          "created_at": 1403611776,
          "updated_at": 1403611776,
          "id": 1224634,
          "permalink": "example-project-2-dj83v",
          "organization_id": 364563,
          "archived": false,
          "name": "Example Project 2",
          "tracks_time": false,
          "public": null,
          "publish_pages": false,
          "settings": {
            "include_weekend_days": false
          "deleted": false
          "type": "Project",
          "created_at": 1403611566,
          "updated_at": 1403611566,
          "id": 1224630,
          "permalink": "example-project-1-s79iz",
          "organization_id": 364563,
          "archived": false,
          "name": "Example Project 1",
          "tracks_time": false,
          "public": null,
          "publish_pages": false,
          "settings": {
            "include_weekend_days": false
          "deleted": false
    • Response  401View more info
    • Headers
      Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
        "error": {
          "message": "Unauthorized"
    Create New Project

    Posts a new project with a new id in the location (project_id) that you specify.

    • Parameters
    • organization_id
      integer (required) Example: 121

      Id of the organization to which the project will belong after posting it.

      string (required) Example: Example name

      The name that the project will have.

      string (optional) Default: false Example: true

      This parameter can be true/false to enable/disable time tracking.

      string (optional) Default: true Example: true

      This parameter is used to manage rights & permissions. It can be =true or =false and it determines if the project can be viewed by anyone in the organization or not.

       (required) Default: false 

      This parameter enables/disables the usage of public notes in a project.

    • RequestView more info
    • Headers
      Content-Type: application/json
          "name":"Example title",
    • Response  201View more info
    • Headers
      Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
      X-Request-Id: 8p2937b61207s744r03c7565252b50bz
      X-Runtime: 0.222809
          "type": "Project",
          "created_at": 1403618899,
          "updated_at": 1403618899,
          "id": 1224804,
          "permalink": "example-title",
          "organization_id": 364563,
          "archived": false,
          "name": "Example title",
          "tracks_time": false,
          "public": null,
          "publish_pages": true,
          "settings": {
            "include_weekend_days": false
          "deleted": false
    • Response  422View more info
    • Headers
      Content-Type: application/json
        "error": "Unprocessable Entity"


    Get Project

    In this case, we’re selecting a very specific element, so there is no need to use parameters other than “id”.

    • Parameters
    • id
      integer (required) Example: 1234

      Id of the project that we are looking for. It is MANDATORY and it has to be in the url.

    • Response  200View more info
    • Headers
      Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
      X-Request-Id: 8p2937b61207s744r03c7565252b50bz
      X-Runtime: 0.222809
          "type": "Project",
          "created_at": 1403611566,
          "updated_at": 1403611566,
          "id": 1224630,
          "permalink": "example-project-1-s79iz",
          "organization_id": 364563,
          "archived": false,
          "name": "Example Project 1",
          "tracks_time": false,
          "public": null,
          "publish_pages": false,
          "settings": {
            "include_weekend_days": false
          "deleted": false
    • Response  401View more info
    • Headers
      Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
        "error": {
          "message": "Unauthorized"
    Update a single Project

    Modifies an existing project, id is mandatory.

    • Parameters
    • id
      integer (required) Example: 121879

      Id of the project that we are looking for. It is MANDATORY and it has to be in the url.

      integer (required) Example: 121

      Id of the organization to which the project will belong after modifying it.

      string (required) Example: Example name

      The name that the project will have.

      string (optional) Default: false Example: true

      This parameter can be true/false to enable/disable time tracking.

      string (optional) Default: true Example: true

      This parameter is used to manage rights & permissions. It can be =true or =false and it determines if the project can be viewed by anyone in the organization or not.

       (required) Default: false 

      As it name ponts, this parameter is used tu ser the week lenght, including or not weekend days in it.

       (required) Default: false 

      This parameter enables/disables the usage of public notes in a project.

    • RequestView more info
    • Headers
      Content-Type: application/json
        "name": "Example title modified",
        "tracks_time": "true",
        "public": "true"
    • Response  200View more info
    • Headers
      Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
      X-Request-Id: 8p2937b61207s744r03c7565252b50bz
      X-Runtime: 0.222809
          "name":"Example title modified",
    • Response  404View more info
    • Headers
      Content-Type: application/json
        "error": {
          "message": "Not Found",
          "description": "No project found with the given id"
    Delete a Project

    This endpoint deletes a project and can be used just once.

    • Parameters
    • id
      integer (required) Example: 1234

      Id of the project that we are looking for. It is MANDATORY and it has to be in the url.

    • Response  204
    • Response  404View more info
    • Headers
      Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
      X-Request-Id: 8p2937b61207s744r03c7565252b50bz
      X-Runtime: 0.222809
        "error": "Note not found"
    Next  Previous

    Search is a view only endpoint that will enable you to find anything you need from your Redbooth account. The variety of filters available and our optimized aplication empower this efficient and powerful search engine.

    Get Search

    Returns a JSON with the results of your search.

    • Parameters
    • order
      string (optional) Default: id-DESC Example: created_at-ASC

      You can always choose in which order do you want to get your results. You can sort them in ascending or descending order by the following elements: id, created_at, updated_at and position.

      integer (optional) Default: 1000 Example: 15

      You choose how many results per page do you want to get, with a maximum of 1000.

      integer (optional) Default: 1 Example: 3

      You choose the page that you want to get.

      integer (optional) Example: 121

      Id of the project to which the element belongs.

      string (optional) Example: task

      Type of element: conversations, tasks, pages (notes), files, unarchived_tasks, archived_tasks

      string (optional) Example: Wally

      Text that describes what are we looking for.**Tiene que tener más de 3 letras

    • Response  200View more info
    • Headers
      Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
      X-Request-Id: 8p2937b61207s744r03c7565252b50bz
      X-Runtime: 0.222809
        "type": "Task",
        "created_at": 1409438094,
        "updated_at": 1409438204,
        "id": 14357119,
        "name": "You've found Wally",
        "task_list_id": 2398710,
        "comments_count": 1,
        "assigned_id": null,
        "is_private": false,
        "project_id": 902783,
        "urgent": false,
        "user_id": 688561,
        "position": 0,
        "last_activity_id": 63465048,
        "record_conversion_type": null,
        "record_conversion_id": null,
        "metadata": {},
        "subtasks_count": 0,
        "resolved_subtasks_count": 0,
        "watcher_ids": [
        "description": "You've found Wally",
        "description_html": "<p>\nYou've found Wally</p>",
        "description_updated_by_user_id": 688561,
        "updated_by_id": 688561,
        "deleted": false,
        "status": "new",
        "due_on": null
    • Response  401View more info
    • Headers
      Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
        "error": {
          "message": "Unauthorized"
    Next  Previous


    Subtasks enable users to build checklists inside tasks. They are small subsets of those and their architecture is very simple, since they are custom text spaces with an associated stage: to do or done.

    Subtasks List 

    Get Subtasks

    Returns a JSON list of subtasks that belong to a subtask with certain id.

    • Parameters
    • task_id
      integer (required) Example: 35456

      Id of the task that hosts the subtasks.

      string (optional) Default: id-DESC Example: created_at-ASC

      You can always choose in which order do you want to get your results. You can sort them in ascending or descending order by the following elements: id, created_at, updated_at and position.

      integer (optional) Default: 1000 Example: 15

      You choose how many results per page do you want to get, with a maximum of 1000.

      integer (optional) Default: 1 Example: 3

      You choose the page that you want to get.

    • Response  200View more info
    • Headers
      Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
      X-Request-Id: 8p2937b61207s744r03c7565252b50bz
      X-Runtime: 0.205826
          "created_at": 1403625243,
          "updated_at": 1403625243,
          "type": "Subtask",
          "id": 479537,
          "name": "Review by Alexz",
          "resolved": false,
          "position": 3,
          "task_id": 13019770
          "created_at": 1403625230,
          "updated_at": 1403625230,
          "type": "Subtask",
          "id": 479534,
          "name": "Slide design",
          "resolved": false,
          "position": 2,
          "task_id": 13019770
          "created_at": 1403625230,
          "updated_at": 1403625230,
          "type": "Subtask",
          "id": 479533,
          "name": "Content",
          "resolved": false,
          "position": 2,
          "task_id": 13019770
          "created_at": 1403625190,
          "updated_at": 1403625190,
          "type": "Subtask",
          "id": 479529,
          "name": "Cover",
          "resolved": false,
          "position": 1,
          "task_id": 13019770
    • Response  401View more info
    • Headers
      Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
        "error": {
          "message": "Unauthorized"
    Create New Subtask

    Posts a new subtask with a new id in the location (task_id) that you specify. When posting an element, we will be able to determine some of his characteristics via parameters and some parameters will be mandatory. On the other hand, all the order parameters doesn’t have much sense in here.

    • Parameters
    • task_id
      integer (required) Example: 35456

      Id of the task that will host the subtask.

      string (required) Example: Example name

      The name that the subtask will have.

      string (optional) Default: false Example: true

      This parameter determines if the subtask has been resoved or not.

      integer (optional) Example: 1

      Position of the subtask in the subtask list, inside the task.

    • RequestView more info
    • Headers
      Content-Type: application/json
        "task_id": "12445",
        "name": "Example subtask 2",
        "position": "2"
    • Response  201View more info
    • Headers
      Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
      X-Request-Id: 8p2937b61207s744r03c7565252b50bz
      X-Runtime: 0.222809
        "created_at": 1403684562,
        "updated_at": 1403684562,
        "type": "Subtask",
        "id": 482621,
        "name": "Example subtask 2",
        "resolved": false,
        "position": 2,
        "task_id": 13074981
    • Response  422View more info
    • Headers
      Content-Type: application/json
        "error": "Unprocessable Entity"


    Update a single Subtask

    Modifies an existing subtask, purpose for which the id of the subtask that wants to be modified is strictly mandatory.

    • Parameters
    • id
      integer (required) Example: 121879

      Id of the subtask that we are looking for. It is MANDATORY and it has to be in the url.

      integer (required) Example: 35456

      Id of the task that will host the subtask.

      string (required) Example: Example name

      The name that the subtask will have.

      string (optional) Default: false Example: true

      This parameter determines if the subtask has been resoved or not.

      integer (optional) Example: 1

      Position of the subtask in the subtask list, inside the task.

    • RequestView more info
    • Headers
      Content-Type: application/json
        "resolved": true,
        "task_id": 13074981
    • Response  200View more info
    • Headers
      Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
      X-Request-Id: 8p2937b61207s744r03c7565252b50bz
      X-Runtime: 0.222809
        "created_at": 1403684562,
        "updated_at": 1403685527,
        "type": "Subtask",
        "id": 482621,
        "name": "Example subtask 2",
        "resolved": true,
        "position": 2,
        "task_id": 13074981
    • Response  404View more info
    • Headers
      Content-Type: application/json
        "error": {
          "message": "Not Found",
          "description": "No subtask found with the given id"
    Delete a Subtask

    This endpoint deletes a subtask and can be used just once.

    • Parameters
    • id
      integer (required) Example: 1234

      Id of the subtask that we are looking for. It is MANDATORY and it has to be in the url.

    • Response  204
    • Response  404View more info
    • Headers
      Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
      X-Request-Id: 8p2937b61207s744r03c7565252b50bz
      X-Runtime: 0.222809
        "error": "Conversation not found"
    Next  Previous


    Tags are used to label and prioritize tasks. They can be used to easily organize, filter and sort tasks.

    Tag List 

    Get Tags

    Returns a JSON list of tags that belong to the organization(s) to which the user has access.

    • Parameters
    • order
      string (optional) Default: id-DESC Example: created_at-ASC

      You can always choose in which order do you want to get your results. You can sort them in ascending or descending order by the following elements: id, created_at, updated_at and position.

      integer (optional) Default: 1000 Example: 15

      You choose how many results per page do you want to get, with a maximum of 1000.

      integer (optional) Default: 1 Example: 3

      You choose the page that you want to get.

      integer (optional) Example: 1283

      The id of the organization to which the element belongs.

      integer (optional) Example: 121

      The tag group’s id to which the element belongs.

    • Response  200View more info
    • Headers
      Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
      X-Request-Id: 8p2937b61207s744r03c7565252b50bz
      X-Runtime: 0.222809
          "type": "Tag",
          "created_at": 1622746358,
          "updated_at": 1622746358,
          "id": 8923213,
          "organization_id": 101873,
          "name": "Open",
          "color": "6B82A7",
          "tag_group_id": null,
          "row_order": 0
          "type": "Tag",
          "created_at": 1613697586,
          "updated_at": 1613697586,
          "id": 8925871,
          "organization_id": 594574,
          "name": "Closed",
          "color": "F23A4B",
          "tag_group_id": 1516833,
          "row_order": 0
    • Response  401View more info
    • Headers
      Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
        "error": {
          "message": "Unauthorized"
    Create New Tag

    Creates a new tag for the given organization within the specified tag group (optional). Please take note of the following list of required and optional parameters.

    Don’t forget to “name” your tag!

    • Parameters
    • name
      string (required) Example: light

      The name that the tag will have.

      integer (required) Example: 6543
      string (optional) Example: 86C249

      The color of the tag.

      integer (optional) Example: 35353
      integer (optional) Example: 3
    • RequestView more info
    • Headers
      Content-Type: application/json
        "name": "light",
        "organization_id": "6543",
        "color": "86C249",
        "tag_group_id": "35353",
        "row_order_position": "3"
    • Response  201View more info
    • Headers
      Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
      X-Request-Id: 8p2937b61207s744r03c7565252b50bz
      X-Runtime: 0.222809
          "type": "Tag",
          "created_at": 1627497571,
          "updated_at": 1627497571,
          "id": 7131689,
          "organization_id": 6543,
          "name": "light",
          "color": "86C249",
          "tag_group_id": 35353,
          "row_order": 3
    • Response  422View more info
    • Headers
      Content-Type: application/json
        "error": "Unprocessable Entity"


    Get Tag

    In this case, we’re selecting a very specific tag, so there is no need to use parameters other than “id”.

    • Parameters
    • id
      integer (required) Example: 1234

      Id of the tag that we are looking for. It is MANDATORY and it has to be in the url.

    • Response  200View more info
    • Headers
      Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
      X-Request-Id: 8p2937b61207s744r03c7565252b50bz
      X-Runtime: 0.222809
          "type": "Tag",
          "created_at": 1549919772,
          "updated_at": 1549919955,
          "id": 6524952,
          "organization_id": 34232,
          "name": "Release",
          "color": "EC7A1D",
          "tag_group_id": 1235771,
          "row_order": 0
    • Response  404View more info
    • Headers
      Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
                  "message": "Not Found"
                  "description": "No tag found with the given id"
    Update a single Tag

    Modifies an existing tag, id is mandatory.

    • Parameters
    • id
      integer (required) Example: 121879

      Id of the task that we are looking for. It is MANDATORY and it has to be in the url.

      string (optional) Example: shipped

      The name that the tag will have.

      string (optional) Example: 86C249

      The color of the tag.

      integer (optional) Example: 35353
      integer (optional) Example: 4
    • RequestView more info
    • Headers
      Content-Type: application/json
        "id": 6524952,
        "name": "shipped",
        "color": "86C249",
        "tag_group_id": 1235771,
        "row_order": 4
    • Response  200View more info
    • Headers
      Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
      X-Request-Id: 8p2937b61207s744r03c7565252b50bz
      X-Runtime: 0.222809
          "type": "Tag",
          "created_at": 1549919772,
          "updated_at": 1627494794,
          "id": 6524952,
          "organization_id": 34232,
          "name": "shipped",
          "color": "86C249",
          "tag_group_id": 1235771,
          "row_order": 4
    • Response  404View more info
    • Headers
      Content-Type: application/json
        "error": {
          "message": "Not Found",
          "description": "No tag found with the given id"
    Delete a Tag

    This endpoint deletes a tag and can be used just once.

    • Parameters
    • id
      integer (required) Example: 1234

      Id of the tag that we are looking for. It is MANDATORY and it has to be in the url.

    • Response  202View more info
    • Headers
      Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
      X-Request-Id: 8p2937b61207s744r03c7565252b50bz
      X-Runtime: 0.222809
          "status": "Enqueued",
          "token": "/api/3/tags/6524952action=destroy&controller=api_v3%2Ftags&id=6524952",
          "retry_after": 10
    • Response  404View more info
    • Headers
      Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
      X-Request-Id: 8p2937b61207s744r03c7565252b50bz
      X-Runtime: 0.222809
        "error": {
          "message": "Not Found",
          "description": "No tag found with the given id"
    Next  Previous


    Redbooth’s TaskLists gather tasks inside projects making them accessible and enabling a better organization. Their start and end date is orientative and doesn’t affect the tasks contained. They can be archived and moved from one project to another.

    TaskList List 

    Get TaskList

    Returns a JSON list of TaskLists to which the user has access.

    • Parameters
    • order
      string (optional) Default: id-DESC Example: created_at-ASC

      You can always choose in which order do you want to get your results. You can sort them in ascending or descending order by the following elements: id, created_at, updated_at and position.

      integer (optional) Default: 1000 Example: 15

      You choose how many results per page do you want to get, with a maximum of 1000.

      integer (optional) Default: 1 Example: 3

      You choose the page that you want to get.

      integer (optional) Example: 1283

      The id of the organization to which the element belongs.

      integer (optional) Example: 12231

      Id of the project to which the element belongs.

      integer (optional) Example: 12341

      The user’s id to which the element belongs.

      string (optional) Example: true

      TaskLists can be archived or not, so this parameter can be =true or =false.

    • Response  200View more info
    • Headers
      Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
      X-Request-Id: 8p2937b61207s744r03c7565252b50bz
      X-Runtime: 0.222809
          "type": "TaskList",
          "created_at": 1387364520,
          "updated_at": 1387364520,
          "id": 1645155,
          "name": "Inbox",
          "project_id": 902783,
          "user_id": 688561,
          "start_on": null,
          "finish_on": null,
          "position": 0,
          "archived": false,
          "archived_tasks_count": 2,
          "tasks_count": 10,
          "last_comment_id": null,
          "updated_by_id": null,
          "metadata": {},
          "deleted": false,
          "completed_at": null
          "type": "TaskList",
          "created_at": 1386849785,
          "updated_at": 1386849785,
          "id": 1624758,
          "name": "STUDY",
          "project_id": 902783,
          "user_id": 688561,
          "start_on": null,
          "finish_on": null,
          "position": 1,
          "archived": false,
          "archived_tasks_count": 2,
          "tasks_count": 5,
          "last_comment_id": null,
          "updated_by_id": null,
          "metadata": {},
          "deleted": false,
          "completed_at": null
          "type": "TaskList",
          "created_at": 1402939977,
          "updated_at": 1402939977,
          "id": 2323528,
          "name": "DELIVERIES",
          "project_id": 902783,
          "user_id": 688561,
          "start_on": null,
          "finish_on": null,
          "position": 2,
          "archived": false,
          "archived_tasks_count": 4,
          "tasks_count": 7,
          "last_comment_id": null,
          "updated_by_id": null,
          "metadata": {},
          "deleted": false,
          "completed_at": null
    • Response  401View more info
    • Headers
      Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
        "error": {
          "message": "Unauthorized"
    Create New TaskList

    Posts a new TaskList with a new id in the location (project_id) that you specify.

    • Parameters
    • project_id
      integer (required) Example: 12891

      Id of the project to which the element will belong after posting it.

      string (required) Example: Example name

      The name that the TaskList will have.

      string (optional) Default: false Example: false

      TaskLists can be archived, so this parameter can be =true or =false. To get archived and not archived task lists you have to pass archived=true,false

    • RequestView more info
    • Headers
      Content-Type: application/json
          "name":"Example title",
    • Response  201View more info
    • Headers
      Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
      X-Request-Id: 8p2937b61207s744r03c7565252b50bz
      X-Runtime: 0.222809
        "type": "TaskList",
        "created_at": 1403265140,
        "updated_at": 1403265140,
        "id": 2339135,
        "name": "Example title",
        "project_id": 902783,
        "user_id": 688561,
        "start_on": null,
        "finish_on": null,
        "position": 5,
        "archived": false,
        "archived_tasks_count": 0,
        "tasks_count": 0,
        "last_comment_id": null,
        "updated_by_id": null,
        "metadata": {},
        "deleted": false,
        "completed_at": null
    • Response  422View more info
    • Headers
      Content-Type: application/json
        "error": "Unprocessable Entity"


    Get TaskList

    In this case, we’re selecting a very specific element, so there is no need to use parameters other than “id”.

    • Parameters
    • id
      integer (required) Example: 1234

      Id of the TaskList that we are looking for. It is MANDATORY and it has to be in the url.

    • Response  200View more info
    • Headers
      Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
      X-Request-Id: 8p2937b61207s744r03c7565252b50bz
      X-Runtime: 0.222809
        "type": "TaskList",
        "created_at": 1402939977,
        "updated_at": 1402939977,
        "id": 2323528,
        "name": "DELIVERIES",
        "project_id": 902783,
        "user_id": 688561,
        "start_on": null,
        "finish_on": null,
        "position": 2,
        "archived": false,
        "archived_tasks_count": 4,
        "tasks_count": 7,
        "last_comment_id": null,
        "updated_by_id": null,
        "metadata": {},
        "deleted": false,
        "completed_at": null
    • Response  401View more info
    • Headers
      Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
        "error": {
          "message": "Unauthorized"
    Update a single TaskList

    Modifies an existing TaskList, id is mandatory.

    • Parameters
    • id
      integer (required) Example: 121879

      Id of the TaskList that we are looking for. It is MANDATORY and it has to be in the url.

      integer (optional) Example: 121

      Id of the project to which the element will belong after modifying it.

      string (optional) Example: Example title modified

      The name that the TaskList will have.

      string (optional) Default: false Example: false

      TaskLists can be archived, so this parameter can be =true or =false.

    • RequestView more info
    • Headers
      Content-Type: application/json
        "name": "Example title modified",
        "project_id": "902783"
    • Response  200View more info
    • Headers
      Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
      X-Request-Id: 8p2937b61207s744r03c7565252b50bz
      X-Runtime: 0.222809
        "type": "TaskList",
        "created_at": 1403265140,
        "updated_at": 1403266074,
        "id": 2339135,
        "name": "Example title modified",
        "project_id": 902783,
        "user_id": 688561,
        "start_on": null,
        "finish_on": null,
        "position": 5,
        "archived": false,
        "archived_tasks_count": 0,
        "tasks_count": 0,
        "last_comment_id": null,
        "updated_by_id": null,
        "metadata": {},
        "deleted": false,
        "completed_at": null
    • Response  404View more info
    • Headers
      Content-Type: application/json
        "error": {
          "message": "Not Found",
          "description": "No task list found with the given id"
    Delete a TaskList

    This endpoint deletes a TaskList and can be used just once.

    • Parameters
    • id
      integer (required) Example: 1234

      Id of the TaskList that we are looking for. It is MANDATORY and it has to be in the url.

    • Response  204
    • Response  404View more info
    • Headers
      Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
      X-Request-Id: 8p2937b61207s744r03c7565252b50bz
      X-Runtime: 0.222809
        "error": "TaskList not found"
    Next  Previous


    Tasks become the core feature of a lot organizations and they are also the most sophisticated elements in their different endpoints. Briefly described, tasks are complex elements composed by a name, a description and a body, that can be located in space and time by different parameters, and have capacity to host subtasks, files and unlimited interactive blocks of content.

    Task List 

    Get Tasks

    Returns a JSON list of tasks to which the user has access.

    • Parameters
    • order
      string (optional) Default: id-DESC Example: created_at-ASC

      You can always choose in which order do you want to get your results. You can sort them in ascending or descending order by the following elements: id, created_at, updated_at and position.

      integer (optional) Default: 1000 Example: 15

      You choose how many results per page do you want to get, with a maximum of 1000.

      integer (optional) Default: 1 Example: 3

      You choose the page that you want to get.

      integer (optional) Example: 1295

      Id of the organization to which the element belongs.

      integer (optional) Example: 18921

      Id of the project to which the element belongs.

      integer (optional) Example: 1121

      Id of the TaskList to which the task belongs.

      integer (optional) Example: 12231

      Id of the user that created the task.

      integer (optional) Example: 12231

      Id of the user to which the task is assigned.

      string (optional) Example: true

      The task can be assigned or unassigned, =true or =false.

      string (optional) Example: true

      Tasks are archived once they have been resolved and this parameter can be =true, =false or =true,false to get the tasks in both archived and not archived tasks. When the parameter is not set, by default retuns the archived=false tasks.

      integer (optional) Example: 1635282341

      This parameter must be a date in unix timestamp and enables us to filter the tasks per date, getting the tasks created from a date range between ‘created from’ and ‘created to’.

      integer (optional) Example: 1635285395

      This parameter must be a date in unix timestamp and enables us to filter the tasks per date, getting the tasks created before a certain date and after the ‘created from’ date.

    • Response  200View more info
    • Headers
      Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
      X-Request-Id: 8p2937b61207s744r03c7565252b50bz
      X-Runtime: 0.205826
          "type": "Task",
          "created_at": 1403078398,
          "updated_at": 1403078399,
          "id": 13019770,
          "name": "Prepare slides",
          "task_list_id": 2323528,
          "comments_count": 0,
          "assigned_id": null,
          "status": "open",
          "is_private": false,
          "project_id": 902783,
          "urgent": false,
          "user_id": 688561,
          "position": 0,
          "last_activity_id": 56403892,
          "record_conversion_type": null,
          "record_conversion_id": null,
          "metadata": {},
          "subtasks_count": 0,
          "resolved_subtasks_count": 0,
          "watcher_ids": [
          "description": null,
          "description_html": "",
          "description_updated_by_user_id": null,
          "updated_by_id": null,
          "deleted": false,
          "due_on": null
          "type": "Task",
          "created_at": 1403078393,
          "updated_at": 1403078394,
          "id": 13019769,
          "name": "Send proposal to the customer",
          "task_list_id": 2323528,
          "comments_count": 0,
          "assigned_id": null,
          "status": "open",
          "is_private": false,
          "project_id": 902783,
          "urgent": false,
          "user_id": 688561,
          "position": 1,
          "last_activity_id": 56403886,
          "record_conversion_type": null,
          "record_conversion_id": null,
          "metadata": {},
          "subtasks_count": 0,
          "resolved_subtasks_count": 0,
          "watcher_ids": [
          "description": null,
          "description_html": "",
          "description_updated_by_user_id": null,
          "updated_by_id": null,
          "deleted": false,
          "due_on": null
    • Response  401View more info
    • Headers
      Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
        "error": {
          "message": "Unauthorized"
    Create New Task

    Creates a new task related to the given project and task_list. Please take note of the following list of required and optional parameters.

    Don’t forget to “name” your task!

    • Parameters
    • project_id
      integer (required) Example: 121213

      Id of the project to which the element will belong after posting it.

      integer (required) Example: 1212441

      The TaskList id of the TaskList to which the new task will belong.

      string (required) Example: Example name

      The name that the task will have.

      string (optional) Example: Example description

      Description of the task that will stay on the top of it.

      string (optional) Default: false Example: false

      This parameter is used to manage rights & permissions.

      string (optional) Default: new Example: open

      Tasks can have different status: open or resolved.

      string (optional) Default: false Example: false

      This parameter denotes whether or not a task is urgent.

      string (optional) 

      The due date for the task, of the form “yyyy-mm-dd”.

      list (optional) 

      The Ids of the users assigned to the task.

    • RequestView more info
    • Headers
      Content-Type: application/json
        "project_id": "902783",
        "task_list_id": "12445",
        "name": "Example title",
        "description": "Example description",
        "is_private": "false"
    • Response  201View more info
    • Headers
      Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
      X-Request-Id: 8p2937b61207s744r03c7565252b50bz
      X-Runtime: 0.222809
          "type": "Task",
          "created_at": 1403175082,
          "updated_at": 1403175082,
          "id": 13049587,
          "name": "Example title",
          "task_list_id": 2323528,
          "comments_count": 0,
          "assigned_id": null,
          "status": "open",
          "is_private": false,
          "project_id": 902783,
          "urgent": false,
          "user_id": 688561,
          "position": 6,
          "last_activity_id": null,
          "record_conversion_type": null,
          "record_conversion_id": null,
          "metadata": {},
          "subtasks_count": 0,
          "resolved_subtasks_count": 0,
          "watcher_ids": [
          "description": "Example description",
          "description_html": "<p>\nExample description</p>",
          "description_updated_by_user_id": 688561,
          "updated_by_id": null,
          "deleted": false,
          "due_on": null
    • Response  422View more info
    • Headers
      Content-Type: application/json
        "error": "Unprocessable Entity"


    Get Task

    In this case, we’re selecting a very specific element, so there is no need to use parameters other than “id”.

    • Parameters
    • id
      integer (required) Example: 1234

      Id of the task that we are looking for. It is MANDATORY and it has to be in the url.

    • Response  200View more info
    • Headers
      Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
      X-Request-Id: 8p2937b61207s744r03c7565252b50bz
      X-Runtime: 0.222809
          "type": "Task",
          "created_at": 1403078398,
          "updated_at": 1403078399,
          "id": 13019770,
          "name": "Prepare slides",
          "task_list_id": 2323528,
          "comments_count": 0,
          "assigned_id": null,
          "status": 0,
          "is_private": false,
          "project_id": 902783,
          "urgent": false,
          "user_id": 688561,
          "position": 0,
          "last_activity_id": 56403892,
          "record_conversion_type": null,
          "record_conversion_id": null,
          "metadata": {},
          "subtasks_count": 0,
          "resolved_subtasks_count": 0,
          "watcher_ids": [
          "description": null,
          "description_html": "",
          "description_updated_by_user_id": null,
          "updated_by_id": null,
          "deleted": false,
          "due_on": null
    • Response  404View more info
    • Headers
      Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
        "error": {
          "message": "Not Found"
    Update a single Task

    Modifies an existing task, id is mandatory.

    • Parameters
    • id
      integer (required) Example: 121879

      Id of the task that we are looking for. It is MANDATORY and it has to be in the url.

      project_id (optional, integer, `121`) ... Id of the project to which the element will belong after modifying it. It has to be consistent with the task_list_id
      integer (optional) Example: 1231

      The id of the TaskList to which the element will belong after modifying it. It has to be consistent with the project_id.

      integer (optional) Example: 12231

      Id of the user to which the task will be assigned.

      string (optional) Example: Example title modified

      The name that the task will have.

      string (optional) Example: Example body modified

      The description of the task.

      string (optional) Default: false Example: false

      This parameter is used to manage rights & permissions.

      string (optional) Default: new Example: open

      Tasks can have different status: open or resolved.

    • RequestView more info
    • Headers
      Content-Type: application/json
        "task_list_id": "1645155",
        "name": "Example title modified",
        "description": "Example description modified",
        "is_private": "false",
        "assigned_user_id": "688561"
    • Response  200View more info
    • Headers
      Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
      X-Request-Id: 8p2937b61207s744r03c7565252b50bz
      X-Runtime: 0.222809
              "name":"Example title modified",
              "description":"Example description modified",
              "description_html":"<p>\nExample description modified</p>",description_updated_by_user_id":688561,
    • Response  404View more info
    • Headers
      Content-Type: application/json
        "error": {
          "message": "Not Found",
          "description": "No task found with the given id"
    Delete a Task

    This endpoint deletes a task and can be used just once.

    • Parameters
    • id
      integer (required) Example: 1234

      Id of the task that we are looking for. It is MANDATORY and it has to be in the url.

    • Response  204
    • Response  404View more info
    • Headers
      Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
      X-Request-Id: 8p2937b61207s744r03c7565252b50bz
      X-Runtime: 0.222809
        "error": "Task not found"
    Next  Previous


    This endpoint will give you information about all the users of your organization. It is a vew-only endpoint, since even being an admin you will not be allowed to update or delete other user accounts through the API.

    User List 

    Get User

    Returns a JSON with the information of all the users of your organization.

    • Response  200View more info
    • Headers
      Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
      X-Request-Id: 8p2937b61207s744r03c7565252b50bz
      X-Runtime: 0.222809
          "type": "User",
          "created_at": 1373621453,
          "updated_at": 1403885260,
          "id": 688561,
          "first_name": "Eduardo",
          "last_name": "Rodés Pons",
          "email": "api@redbooth.com",
          "needs_profile": false,
          "deleted": false,
          "bouncing_email": false,
          "confirmed_user": true,
          "username": "eduardorodes",
          "avatar_url": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/teambox-assets/avatars/12334/thumb.png?12452154",
          "profile_avatar_url": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/teambox-assets/avatars/124434/profile.png?23546543",
          "micro_avatar_url": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/teambox-assets/avatars/465745/micro.png?234525",
          "first_day_of_week": "sunday",
          "biography": "Eduardo is a young economist passioned about early stage projects and business development. He works on operations and business development at Teambox since he joined the project in september 2013. Before that, he used to work as internationalisation consultant between France and Spain, first for the French Gouvernment and as a freelancer later on.",
          "locale": "en",
          "time_zone": "Madrid",
          "default_digest": 4,
          "notify_conversations": false,
          "notify_tasks": false,
          "notify_pages": false,
          "default_watch_new_task": false,
          "default_watch_new_conversation": false,
          "default_watch_new_page": false,
          "digest_delivery_hour": 6,
          "wants_task_reminder": false,
          "rss_token": "cf3c27fab3e8cd2f568db31b3b0eb46dd3ce31a0",
          "calendar_token": "bb9fd6e48633271bd936e717a23fb3dd3a63a35d",
          "shortcut_apps": null,
          "project_activity_digest": "no_digest",
          "chat_token": "f48a2b40041a948c584f5f0ade5e21ce",
          "is_pro": true
          "type": "User",
          "created_at": 1274802891,
          "updated_at": 1412157528,
          "id": 105997,
          "first_name": "Jordi",
          "last_name": "Romero",
          "email": "api@redbooth.com",
          "needs_profile": false,
          "deleted": false,
          "bouncing_email": false,
          "confirmed_user": true,
          "username": "jordi",
          "avatar_url": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/teambox-assets/avatars/3154435/thumb.png?1345345",
          "profile_avatar_url": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/teambox-assets/avatars/345135/profile.png?3543453",
          "micro_avatar_url": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/teambox-assets/avatars/134531/micro.png?234151354"
    • Response  401View more info
    • Headers
      Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
        "error": {
          "message": "Unauthorized"


    Get User

    Returns a JSON with information about the specific user.

    • Response  200View more info
    • Headers
      Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
      X-Request-Id: 8p2937b61207s744r03c7565252b50bz
      X-Runtime: 0.222809
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        "created_at": 1373621453,
        "updated_at": 1403885260,
        "id": 688561,
        "first_name": "Eduardo",
        "last_name": "Rodés Pons",
        "email": "api@redbooth.com",
        "needs_profile": false,
        "deleted": false,
        "bouncing_email": false,
        "confirmed_user": true,
        "username": "eduardorodes",
        "avatar_url": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/teambox-assets/avatars/12334/thumb.png?12452154",
        "profile_avatar_url": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/teambox-assets/avatars/124434/profile.png?23546543",
        "micro_avatar_url": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/teambox-assets/avatars/465745/micro.png?234525",
        "first_day_of_week": "sunday",
        "biography": "Eduardo is a young economist passioned about early stage projects and business development. He works on operations and business development at Teambox since he joined the project in september 2013. Before that, he used to work as internationalisation consultant between France and Spain, first for the French Gouvernment and as a freelancer later on.",
        "locale": "en",
        "time_zone": "Madrid",
        "default_digest": 4,
        "notify_conversations": false,
        "notify_tasks": false,
        "notify_pages": false,
        "default_watch_new_task": false,
        "default_watch_new_conversation": false,
        "default_watch_new_page": false,
        "digest_delivery_hour": 6,
        "wants_task_reminder": false,
        "rss_token": "cf3c27fab3e8cd2f568db31b3b0eb46dd3ce31a0",
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        "shortcut_apps": null,
        "project_activity_digest": "no_digest",
        "chat_token": "f48a2b40041a948c584f5f0ade5e21ce",
        "is_pro": true
    • Response  401View more info
    • Headers
      Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
        "error": {
          "message": "Unauthorized"