We organize the world’s work, one company at a time!
Companies that succeed are more organized. They break down problems, assign responsibilities, commit to timelines. But organizing is hard. Often the tools are dull, asynchronous, and disparate. It takes a lot of effort to put things in writing, and make sure everyone sees the work. It’s more work than doing the work itself! Something has to change.
We designed Redbooth to make work organization easy. There is no complicated process, or permissions to ask. Your tasks go to a workspace, you can assign to people, then you can add due dates. As you get to use Redbooth, you learn to use advanced features (timeline, reports, web forms, automation).
And it works! Every day 3,000 companies use Redbooth to outcompete their market. Their work is more organized, they are more efficient, and they can predict the success of their projects. Teams like Unicef, Ritz Carlton, or NBC run critical operations using Redbooth. For them, a day without Redbooth is day without work.
Our Core Values
1. Real life problems
We’re technologists at heart that aim to solve real world work problems. We succeed when our customers do.
2. Support & Attentiveness
In our company and our relationship with our customers, we aim to listen and tend to everyone’s needs as much as possible.
3. Transparency
We aim to communicate as much as we can with our community, both in the office and anywhere around the world where people are using Redbooth every day.
4. Diversity & Inclusion
We want to make sure that everyone gets a seat at the discussion table. We firmly believe that the more we include the voices of people from all walks of life, the more effective we can become.
Who Believes in Us
We are backed by some of the most prominent investors in technology, such as Avalon Ventures, NHN Ventures, Andreessen, and Ycombinator.
Where Can You Find Us?
We’re currently headquartered at 660 Auburn Folsom Road, Suite 202A, Auburn, CA 95603, USA. You can also find Redbooth team members in Toronto, Barcelona, Paris, and Thailand.